
If Biden & Palin had to race NAKED fom White house to the Lincoln Memorial, who would finish 1ST and WHY??

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just some comedic relief, but Who would get there 1st & WHY?




  1. well palin is she would win.

  2. Aside from that not really being a pleasant sight to begin with, I think that would really hurt, to run naked.

  3. palin, because biden would fall over dead of a heart attack when he finally saw a naked woman again.

  4. Biden is not very bipartisan so hard to imagine him running with a Republican

  5. Palin, because Biden would be starting from INSIDE the white house, whereas Palin would be outside the fence, and have a pretty good head start.

  6. In heels or flat footed?

  7. Biden but I can't say why on here because children are present

  8. I think Palin would because pigeons from all around would land her her hair, which looks like a hot mess, thinking its a nest. Upon trying to escape, their legs would get caught, and they would take flight. Legs still attached, they would carry her in flight over the finish line.

  9. It would depend on whether Palin was pregnant or not...

    Then again, i'd go with Biden....

    Palin would be such a rush, the 'maverick' that she is, that she would fall down and break her "EXPERIENCE'

  10. I agree w/DEB, hilarious!  I was wondering the same thing, when is the make-over girl??  And she would still win!  YeY

  11. That's just

  12. Palin would because for Biden it would be a three legged race.

    Now if you put Obama in the picture and said race he would be looking for a deck of cards.

  13. Palin would win easily. Not only is she younger, she has a history in beauty pageants, and hunts moose and does totally bad a ss stuff, and Biden has a history of bad health, but Palin would be motivated by the cheers and applause, and Biden would slip in the trails of vomit left by onlookers watching him.

  14. Your a comedic genius. It must have taken you all day to come up with that question.  

  15. Are you sure you need to be using your last operable brain cell this way?


  16. Palin:

    Palin also has that sense of humor. Like her shirt?

    For those that can't read it, it says, "I may be broke, but I'm not flat busted."

  17. I'm certainly glad you evened-up the equipment, all things being equal.  They both have the gravity/support-factor to deal with...but this wld affect biden more since he's older. so biden would lose.

  18. A man in his 60s and a woman in her 40s who has had five children (or four if the baby really is her daughter's)...that I don't care to see. lol

    Although something in our paper today said he works out regularly, but I kind of wonder what that actually entails.

  19. Palin.  She has accomplished more in 2 years as Governor than most Governors accomplish in 2 terms.  She's a fighter.  Thus, I think this would be a pretty easy victory for her.

  20. Biden would get distracted by the MILF and lose. Plus, Palin played bball in high school. Probably still a decent athlete. Looks in shape.

  21. I don't know, but I'll be watching on C-Span.

  22. OMG. I kinda don't want to think about that.

    Now, Obama running naked.... yummmmmmmmmy.

  23. Biden would probably have a heart attack and Palin would have so many cat calls from men she wouldn't be able to get through the race so who knows.

  24. Biden would win because people would be running to get out of his way and not look at him!

    Palin would get blocked by all the gawkers and photographers!

  25. Palin would never  make it b/c she would get attacked and molested by a homeless person

  26. I guess True patriot digs that ethiopian look!

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