
If Biden Weaseled Out of Service In Nam On An Asthma Deferment Is He Fit To Be VP ?

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There were plenty of non combatant roles he could have filled ie. hooch boy or permanent latrine duty.

Alpha Company, 2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division

RVN 67-68




  1. This is really NOT an issue Reps should touch.  McCain is the only one you have who has seen service, not very successfully.

  2. War is over, dude.  Get used to it.

  3. It seems he got his air back.  Most of it hot, loud and angry.

    1st 503rd 173rd AbnBd  1st 504 82nd AbnDiv  XVIII AbnCorp

  4. that basterd he is no diffrent than cheney,or rumsfeld.or even bush ,who did a stint in the national guard to avoid going to vietnam.

  5. Biden makes my skin crawl.  Kind of a cross between an undertaker and a used car salesman.  The guy has been in the Senate since the Nixon years.  Imagine how f up his thought process must be.

  6. Its only a republican you can use this question on did you know that being sarcastic.  

  7. He ain't fit to hold my jock strap.

    Much less O' Bammy.

  8. The post of VP doesn't require much physical effort.

    Anyway, what if he actually had Asthma? What if he just didn't agree with the war?  

  9. Doubt this is something a Bush supporter wants to bring up.

  10. Would you prefer that he went the d**k Cheney route and got himself 6 student deferments?

  11. You mean like d**k Deferment Cheney did????  

    I guess dark overlord wasn't a position they had available back then.  

  12. Absolute not, I told you about Obama sneaking off to elect a service skipper for VP. Shame on him!

  13. Since when is service in Vietnam a qualification for VP? .Cheney had "other priorities" so he got 5 deferments. Kerry volunteered for duty on the Mekong Delta, the most dangerous assignment there was at the time, and you guys mocked his service. Biden had asthma and failed the physical.

  14. Lush Numballs couldn't breath either he had anal cysts.

  15. Since we have a deserter in office now who it sounds like you supported does it really make a difference to you what there military service is. Also the god of the republican party Reagan had limited service and made movies during WW 2 because he had poor eyesight. Besides when the democrats do put up a real war hero the republicans make up lies about him to discredit his service remember the last election so it looks like your at it again how petty of them the republicans can't win on there ideas so they make up lies that idiots and sheep believe.  

  16. EXCELLENT QUESTION!  And to think that liberals get on George Bush's case for "only" serving in the Air National Guard during Vietnam.  Meanwhile you have a presidential candidate and running mate with absolutely ZERO military experience between the two of them looking to run the country during a time of war.  Go figure!  

  17. politics is not a physically strenuous career

    and all military service men are required to go through a long physically challenging basic training which can last anywhere from 15 weeks to over one year, depending on the career path an individual chooses upon enlistment.

    Basic Training is designed to be highly intense and challenging. The challenge comes as much from the difficulty of physical training as it does from the required quick psychological adjustment to an unfamiliar way of life.

    There's no such thing as a white collar version of basic training

    That's why people with asthma are not eligible

  18. my uncle had constant asthma from childhood and served throughout ww2 on a destroyer in the south pacific. he hated every minute of it but he did his job and came home and worked as a machinist until he retired.

    he caught a bad cold a few years ago, ended up checking into a va hospital and picked up some exotic bacteria that killed him.

    biden had asthma??????? he sure seems to have plenty of wind and talks nonstop with great intensity. obviously, he did not choose to participate in the military, same as bill clinton and others. asthma????

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