
If Biden had a child with Down Syndrome, would people be asking how he could raise it as VP?

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I really doubt they would. I doubt they'd ask ANY man running for office how it would effect his ability to raise a child, because I've never heard it mentioned before until now with Salin...

I find it very sexist that everyone keeps asking how Salin will raise her baby while being the VP.

She has a husband! He can help raise it too. It's not like the baby would be neglected if she becomes VP. It will get plenty of love and care regardless.

Does anyone else agree with me?




  1. I'm in disbelief that people (trying to attack her) would even bring that up. Palin first made the news when she keep the baby despite knowing the challenges that come with it. It was one of those stories that almost every anchor and commentator agreed that it was a noble action, if anything, it makes her look better.  

  2. no of course not

    I think that Sarah Palin is making the correct decision, one providing a great service to her youngest child in the long run.  

    Our society is flirting far to much with eugenic aesthetics and policies.  

    Palin's candidacy provides, among many other crucial things, a touchpoint for discussion of this issue, and a counterweight to the fascination many have developed for what Winston Churchill referred to as "perverted science."


  4. Given that the Vice Presidents are given their own home to live in, I suppose her husband would leave his job to move to Washington with the entire family so that he could help raise the children while she's doing her job. It's a huge home, I don't think she would want her family to stay behind in Alaska.

    I don't think it is sexist for people to wonder on this. She has a large family and a new baby. Her husband has a good job, and they are probably more curious if he will leave his job etc., to join her and bring the family to Washington where he will be responsible for the majority of their care.

    I don't think it would be possible for her to be flying home every weekend, as Senator McCain has done since he first started his career in Washington, so it seems logical for people to wonder what the entire Palin family will do, or how they will logistically handle the situation.

  5. Biden decided not to be a Senator after he had won his first senate race.  They came to him and swore him in at his son's bedside, because he put his Family 1st.  

  6. Yeah. It's even worse that these attacks come from Democrats who are supposed to be the party that supports and honors working women. The bottom line is that Democrats are hypocritical, lying, mean b******s.  

  7. I totally agree with you.  My problem with Palin is not that she is a mom or has a special needs child. Indeed, Biden showed that he could be a good father of his two children after his wife died by commuting back and forth between Delaware and Washington.

    My problem is that she has ZERO foreign policy experience.  She has only been the governor of one of the LEAST populate states (Alaska only has 700,000 people) for only a year and a half.  Before that she was mayor of one of the smallest villages in the United States.

  8. I think this election proves two things with regard to treating women as equals.

    We've come along way.

    And we've got a long way to go.

  9. Obama has young kids too. Biden raised his kids by himself after his wife died (and still managed a political career). I think there are lots of questions that would not be so pressing were she not a woman. Everybody is all worried about her level of experience, but the same people plan on voting for Obama, who has even less experience. I guess they just think he is more capable because he is a man....

  10. Isn't she a feminist's dream?   Shouldn't they be thrilled?  She is their poster child, for heaven's sake!

    Her husband will have to sacrifice for the family and be a Mr. Dad..........everyone will be fine.

  11. The Repubicans would.  Not the Democrats.

    Haven't you figured this stuff out yet?  Maybe you need to post on the Barney site.

  12. Apparently liberals are all chauvinists except when Clinton is running or Michelle "I hate America" Obama is speaking.

  13. omg you are sooooooooooo sick!!!!!!!!

    maybe you should have a child with down syndrome

    just to gain some experience

  14. If Biden had a 4 month old baby, no matter if he or she had DS, I'd buy stock in Viagra.

  15. That girl will never be VP of the united state or america.We latino will fight to get Obama to elected.

    What GOP did is looking down on american people by offer the old man and the girl to ran thecountry.

  16. Probably not. But I find it despicable that a woman so anti-abortion would bring a special needs child into this world only to neglect it with her ambition of becoming VP. Special needs children require extra attention.

  17. You don't see them going off about Biden's Plagerism.

    These kids are a product of the liberal news media.

    News Bias - Media Research

    According to a recent study by the Media Research Center, NBC News has the most lopsided pro-Obama coverage among national TV news operations. The MRC found that pro-Obama reports outnumber anti-Obama reports by 10 to one on NBC News, an amazing statistic.

    With that in mind, let's take a look at how the NBC Nightly News might look sometime very soon.

    "Hi, I'm Brian Williams, thank you for joining us tonight. Before we get to our lineup this evening, I should tell you that I am wearing the same kind of suit Senator Obama had on yesterday, and I like it very much. The fabric is soft and has an air of authority. I want to thank the Senator for his good taste.

    "Our first story tonight is from Andrea Mitchell, who has learned that Senator Obama is indeed related to Moses. NBC has discovered the wicker basket in which Moses floated down the Nile River before being rescued by the Pharaoh's wife. We can tell you tonight that DNA traces found in that basket match Barack Obama! Incredible.

    "Also ahead, NBC News correspondent Lee Cowan is traveling with Senator Obama and reports that he is a really big tipper, and his teeth are perfect.

    "Continuing with our election coverage, Chuck Todd will analyze exactly how Michelle Obama came to be so smart. And good looking. By the way, my wife has a dress very similar to the one Mrs. Obama wore on stage in Denver. She likes it a lot.

    "After Chuck files his report, Maria Menounos has an exclusive story on how Rev. Wright has undergone a radical transformation. Maria has learned that after going to Lourdes, the Reverend now believes all Americans are really neat people, and is wearing the same kind of American flag pin that Barack Obama wears. Rather than damning America, Wright now believes the Deity likes the country especially because Senator Obama might be President.

    "Finally, Tom Brokaw will take a look back at the entire Obama family tree. This is amazing. New evidence suggests that Barack Obama is not only a distant cousin to d**k Cheney, but is also related to General George Patton, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and St. Francis of Assisi. DNA found on a bird in Chicago confirms this.

    "As for John McCain, there is a rumor he has been denied AARP membership because he is too old.

    "So we have quite a program for you this evening right here on NBC News. Please stay tuned."

  18. I agree with you.  

    It started day 1, very sexist - and strangly, most was from women!!

  19. First of all I don't know who Salin even is.

    Second yes I think they would be giving him c**p if he had a disabled child. Both parties are being attacked for various reasons and most of it is irrellivant.

    Most people don't refer to a child as "it".

    So no I don't agree with you.

  20. What is really sad and sick is the "best" they can come up with is a pathetic smear on her and her teenage daughter.  Democrats are so used to practicing hypocrisy that they no longer even recognize it.  

    McCain/Palin '08

    Edit:  Proud Liberal, Ms. Palin is PRO-LIFE, not pro abortion.  You liberals amaze me, you are so ready to throw a "smear" that you don't even know what's going to come out.  Y/A has a "preview" button for just this purpose.

    2d Edit:  Proud Liberal, try again - Anti Abortion is Pro Life and that's what she believes and practices.  Just not having a smart day are you?

  21. Ummmm... you find it sexist that EVERYBODY KEEPS ASKING HOW S. PALIN WILL RAISE HER (Downs Syndrome) BABY"

    Who is this EVERYBODY that you speak of.....  I haven't heard that one yet.

    What I want to know is why is she pregnant all the time ?

  22. The real question is: why would McCain pick someone who just gave birth to a child and needs to take care of this new life, instead of the country? How's that for judgment?

  23. But the Democrats are the party FOR women, aren't they???

    Truth is no they are only the party for LIBERAL women.

  24. You are absolutely correct.  If Biden had a dozen one would ask.  That's a clear double standard.

    However, if Palin were on the Dem ticket, the Reps. would be asking how she would take care of the baby.  Its not about party, its about how our society sees women and motherhood.

    Obama/Biden 08

  25. It's a double standard... the liberal media will find things like this to exploit but they won't even acknowledge something like Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers, the leader of the 1960s and 70s domestic terrorist group called the Weather Underground, which was involved in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972.

  26. No they wouldn't because they only people that stoop low enough to use someone's child against them are Democrats and they'd be "hush hush" if one of their's had a baby with Down Syndrome.  Plus, Biden is a man that makes a world of difference.  

    I believe Obama has two young children as well yet no one is ranting about how he will take care of his kids as President.   He's left them home with Michelle for days on end while out on the campaign trail and no one says a word.    

  27. Of course you are right. The tolerant, open-minded Libs are ready to embrace a Lib woman for President as being equal to any task, but suddenly turn in to sexist, nasty chauvinist pigs when a GOP VP candidate is put out there and especially quick to condemn one with children. The ironic thing is that the more they poke at her femininity and womanhood, the more they are going to drive moderate feminists over to the Republican side. Voters will see (correctly) that there is a distinct Liberal hypocrisy and people are always ready to vote for the underdog... or a woman being picked on.

    So just let the Libs rant and rave... It only serves our side in the long run, because people finally get to see them for what they are.

  28. Well first off it is Palin not Salin.  And yes I agree with you.

  29. >>"Get your facts straight you moron...

    Democrats would never have a baby with Down Syndrome because they would just kill it once they found out."<<

    Honestly, don't bother to be offended by anything if you are going to say that last line. I can guarantee that most Democrats do not directly like or approve of the idea of abortion. But people remain pro-choice because THEY don't act like control freak religion n**i's that feel it's their duty to control the lives and choices of complete strangers that they will never even know exist or give a d**n about.

    That said, yes they'd be unlikely to say that kind of thing about a man, and largely because women are still seen as the primary caregiver.

    But I'm surprised, as much as the Republican side is full of fundamentalist types who want women's rights and rolls only to be a certain way, I'm surprised you even approve that she not be the one caring for her baby...

  30. But Biden doesn't. She has 5 KIDS NOT JUST 1. That is not sexist its a practical concern. She will not be able to balance the two. Either she will be a crappy VP or a crappy mother or both. You can't leave the nanny to raise your 5 kids. Even stay at home moms would find it a hard task even moms who have a 9-5 job. VP job is not 9-5 its anytime anywhere job. If her kids were alot OLDER that would be a different story. Her kids are as young as 5 months old, they need their mother!

  31. The question is, could she take care of it IF she was president? Most mother's spend time with their babies.

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