
If Bill Clinton should lied in Office and Hillary Clinton lied about her experience in Bosnia, American Will?

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be the biggest fools to vote her, do you think she should step down? Oh my God this family can lie and this makes me baffle, who is the father of Chelsea? DNA please.




  1. Bill Clinton lied about a personal question. Ronald Reagan lied about Iran Contra. One involved some hanky-panky. The other involved thousands of pounds of cocaine and circumventing the Constitution. You tell me which is worse.

    On the other hand, Hillary Clinton isn't exactly the most appealing choice. Either way, we need to stop electing the same families over and over.

  2. I dont feel that she lied . she speak all day  7 days a week it was a honest mistake of words ,I am guilty of that and you are for Bill he was a good presendent.tell me what man would turn down a beautiful woman when she is throwing herself on him ...I hadnt met one yet!!!!!!!!!!...he did wrong and he was man enought to face this country with his wrong .if you cant forgive him  how do you expect God to forgive you of your sins..I hope you are another obama surporter .I hope you are not that foolish

  3. i completely agree with you but so much of america doesnet want to admit that were right.

    so called democrats are pushing for socialism and not a few of them either.

  4. People are so used to the Clintons lying that I suspect that we simply no longer pay that much attention to it any more.

  5. I would think we would want a president that at least wasn't known for lying. Hillary has lied about herself and Obama. She was called on her lies that supposedly showed her "experience". Northern Ireland laughs at her claims of helping negotiate a peace accord. Video of the Bosnia thing is playing daily on the news. She did not mis-speak, that is another lie to cover the other one. She might lie more than Bush. Hasn't America had enough liars at the top?  Vote Obama 08   Make sense not war.

  6. do you really think this is the only political family who has lied????? come on wake up and get a clue..

  7. Both Clinton and BHO need to go, FAR FAR AWAY!

  8. We haven't had a president yet who didn't lie at one time or another.

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