
If Bill didn't like Hillary then why should we?

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My case is the Hillary is not accepted by the one closest to her, Mr. Morden.




  1. what bible you been reading the  national enquirer

  2. WTF?? Bill loves Hillary, even if he doesn't always show it, because he wouldn't have married her if he didn't! I mean I'm sure when they first met when they were young they were head over hills for each other but that fades. Look at how long they have been married! You just get use to having that person around and don't want to be without them. Love morphs into many things over the course of a marriage. A couple may fall in and out of love several times but they stay together because deep down they still love one another. I think this is the case with the Clintons, just like it is the case with every other couple.

  3. Not one reason why

  4. What makes you think you have some special insight into their marriage?  You have no idea what the feel for each other and it's really none of your business.  If you have a problem with her policies or what she proposes to do as president then make that case.  Yours is the same kind of argument I would expect to hear from an 11 year old little girl.

  5. Because some men like their wives and still have affairs. In fact, if all  the men who have had affairs and still remain married to their wives would all vote for her;she would win by a landslide!  Go HIllary!

  6. Because the United States has a separation of Politics and Beds.

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