
If Blair is the best candidate for EU Emperor (sorry - president) - What the heck are the other like?!?!?

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And who the heck would be likely to replace him when he eventually stepped down -- someone as competent as Brown (ha ha ha?) - or an ex italian PM?!? or an ex french one?!?

Surely the post should not exist, because there is no mechanism for supplying viable candidates (just like mayor of london, or president of any african country).

At least the american system generates a good number of potential candidates each time !




  1. We all know he was offered that job ages ago,  on the condition that he'd sell our F*ckin country out to his fellow socialist closet commies mates in Europe.

    If the EU flag was Red......... people would realise.

    Blair and Brown should be hung for treachery.

    Is it any wonder one of the first Laws they changed when they got in was to get rid of the death penalty for Treason ?

    Why would they change a law that hasnt been used for 50 years if they wasnt worried for their own Necks ?

  2. Just one more reason not to be in the EU..

  3. Politics is certainly the career to be in - if I made as many mistakes (long term and short term) in my job as Blair, Brown and the rest of the slime do in theirs, I`d be sleeping on a park bench, not asked to stay on and get promoted.

  4. i cried when Tony Bliar stepped down stop being mean =p

  5. I felt the same as you this morning when I read that.

    The only saving grace is Blair might want to redeem himself. To earn a good reputation after the disasters that he's brought on Iraq, so may actually make some good decisions from now on- if only to be seen as a nice kinda guy. Recently he's been harping on about climate change and meddling in the middle east- all good things.

    As to the viability of good emperors, there's always a steady stream of power-hungry individuals out there. Guaranteed there'll be no shortage of eager candidates.

  6. Well, he screwed up the UK, went back on his socialist principles for a few extra votes, slid in a non elected Prime Minister in the UK, got checked out by the Police for dodgy financial contributions and then jumped on the part time directorship bandwagon to grab a few million a year..............

    He should fit in a treat at the EU !!

  7. No, the candidates are equally good.

    The difference is that the UK press only ever gives politicians negative coverage, hence all are perceived as bad here (US coverage more balanced hence more objective & less depressing).

    The fact that the US candidates are so much more closely linked to their corporate sponsors and their own corporate careers than our neutral career politicians, means that I feel our politicians are much more worthy of my trust that theirs are.

    How about an interselection tournament of all applicants as a solution to the "there is no mechnsim for supplying viable candidates " problem? That way, everybody would get a chance to decide who qualifies for each next round of selection.

  8. yeah and they srill got george bush lol, but seriously tony blair he's not satisfied in wrecking britain he wants to destroy europe as a whole lol

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