
If Bobby Darin's body was donated to medical science at UCLA - were his remains eventually buried ?

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What is the norm for donatons to medical science ?




  1. It depends on the policy of the particular school -- which is usually made clear at the time of donation.

    For example, at my school (well, alma mater), the policy is to have the bodies cremated at the end of the school year, and a memorial service held to honor the donors.  

    (From time to time, a small portion of a donated body may end up in a formalin bottle on display in the anatomy museum -- if it's thought the body part (unusual anatomy, or pathology like a tumor) may enhance the education of future health professionals.)

    Many reputable medical schools have similar policies, so it was sad to see UCLA revealed to be not such a school a few years ago....

    Anyway, the UCLA Donated Body Program has been reopened under the watchful eye of the LA Superior Court, so one can only hope Mr. Darin's remains would be handled in a just and respectful fashion as well:

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