
If Brazil cares about its image so much?

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Why don't they clean up the slums around Rio? That could possibly be the mostr disgusting place on Earth.




  1. Sorry,if you think this answer may be an abuse but,

    Actually Rio de Janeiro is not the most disgusting place in the world.Look at the United States they care about their image why dont they clean up some places of new york.

    And sincerely,Brazil is better than any other country

    Beacuse people are happy no matter what happens or how dirty a place is.

  2. M.C There you go again,  there are some  very talented and decent people living in the Favelas of Rio De Janeiro and other Brazilian Cities,  in fact top models  and sports stars have been "discovered"  living in the favelas.  

    There is currently a project to give the buildings in these areas more colour and to make the inhabitants feel more happy about their districts. The Military Police are also spearheading a "clean-up campaign" to rid the favelas of drug barons and  make them more peaceful to live in. I say they are right on cue doing this,  it is positive as apposed to your negative comments, but I do realize that you have not been to these places, so how can you know anything ?    

    You are very fortunate to not have been born into Favela life,

    you try getting out if you were born there, try getting a decent Education if your parents are very poor !  wanna try struggling to get basic shelter, food and  clothing, wanna try earning a couple of dollars each day collecting aluminium cans in the streets to sell, so you can buy some bread for your family  ? I know people personally, who do this for  a living in Brazil. Just try it mate! Better still just SHUT YOUR MOUTH !

  3. Your question

    "How bad is the crime in Rio?"

    was reported. You know the reasons.

    Obviously you're reacting to the episode in which Brazilians reacted against an American employer who wrote "welcome to the Congo" in a board in Rio de Janeiro before the start of the PanAmerican games. The message was prejudicial against both Brazil and Congo. It's like going to New Orleand and write "welcome to Nigeria", or going to Albuquerque and write "welcome to Honduras", etc. Only a fool can not note the prejudice.

  4. wow..  Brazil is the MOST beautiful country I have ever seen ..  .. yet.      !!

    The People..  The Food.. The Culture..  The Beaches..   everything is BEAUTIFUL ..

    most people would quickly disagree with you.. sorry you are so jealous

  5. May I ask what exactly is your grudge against Brazil and its people? If you care so much about the slums why dont you do something and start a project and clean it up yourself? If you are brazilian then I urge you to do something useful for your country. If you are not brazilian, then why dont you do something for your country which I guess has many places equally disgusting as the favelas in Rio. Be proactive and stop this negativity.

    My guess is that you are holding a personal grudge against some brazilian and this is your immature way of getting revenge.

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