
If Brett Favre was on the United States Olympic Team, how many gold medals would he win?

by Guest60696  |  earlier

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Come on people we are talking about Brett Favre.

I say he would win at least 16 Gold Medals and maybe one Silver Medal.

He would win 7 Gold Medals for Swimming.

He would win 3 Gold Medals for Gymnastics.

He would win 2 Gold Medals for Track and Field.

He would win 1 Gold Medals for Tennis.

He would win 1 Gold Medal for Basketball.




  1. He already has a Gold Medal in Interceptions & Retirements

  2. -19 and a half.

  3. He will retire from those sports then ask to come back then get traded to the Russians.

  4. I think Brett Favre would not win any medals in the Olympics, but it wouldn't matter.  We would all love him and applaud him, ESPN would cover his every move, and he would get millions in advertisement.  The medals would really be secondary.  :)

  5. Considering NFL football isn't an Olympic sport, I'm going with none.  

  6. Your stupid. He only plays football. There is no football in the olympics. I doubt he swims much, he's not very fast, he wouldn't do gymnastics, he never plays tennis, and he would suck at basketball.  

  7. He'll keep coming back til he wins them all

  8. He is not a world class athlete in any of those Events, He would not win any

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