
If Bristol Palin's pregnancy is no ones business then why was Obama's pastor's speech everyones business?

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Along with the mockery of his middle name and some of his private life has been leaked to the media, but why is this okay? Why is it not okay for Sarah's family business to be out there in the open? Does anyone else see the hypocrisy or am I the only one?




  1. The Bristol Palin issue is about Bristol, and last I checked Bristol is not running for office.

    Obama on the other hand is running for President.  His pastor and all of his questionable relationships are all open for discussion.  

    It's funny how Palin has 100's of people who can vouch for her.  Obama doesn't want anyone to talk about him even if they know him.  Obama knows his past will lose him the election.  

  2. An off-spring  of a V.P candidate getting pregnant is completely different than a Presidential candidate that lied, cover-up and denounce of a racists, mentor for 20 years.  Even you can see the difference.  

  3. I've seen it all yesterday and today.  

  4. I'd chalk it up to racist hypocrisy.   I'm tired of hearing "obamabot" or "drink obama's kool-aid".

  5. You are an idiotic media monkey puppet troll.

  6. It's only wrong when Democrats do it.

  7. Obama's pastor made some pretty racial remarks. That is serious business. Teenage pregnancy is a problem too, BUT it's not as big of a problem as a person that is behind a presidential candidate making racial remarks. That in itself is very serious. How many people have gotten in trouble for that and even fired from there jobs???

  8. This situation is being used against all women not just M Palin,,it is a media gimmick and I am boiling mad about it. I don't give a hoot about your poor pitiful boy any more and neither will any one else,,, the media has overstepped and there is going to be h**l to pay.

  9. As Obama's mentor, the Rev. Wright is important to understand the mindset of the candidate. When you choose a mentor you choose someone you want to emulate.

    The things I have seen waved around about the Palin family have been about as tastless as I expect Liberals to be.

  10. I see it. It's not fair, but I guess when the status quo runs everything, exceptions are made. People are just stupid. I hope there aren't enough stupid people in America to vote a person in (or not vote for someone) because of stupid things like this.

  11. Because traditionally children of candidates have always been off limits, and Obama's pastor revealed the racist type of thinking that Obama has aligned himself with.  He stayed with this pastor for over twenty years so he must have been in agreement with this type of thinking which is important to know about a presidential candidate.

  12. If you seriously cannot see the difference between the two; there is really no hope in explaining it to you.

  13. One is a minor who is pregnant, she has no choice in the matter of her mother being an elected office holder.

    Obama personally chose to go into politics and thusly HIS personal choices and actions are open for criticism.

    Obama in 2008 (and 2012 if we're lucky)

    Oh, and if you think it is wrong to delve into Obama's personal life, why would you want to do it to someone else?  One of the things that has drawn me to support Obama is his overwhelming desire to take the high road when other options are open.  He keeps it about policy and judgement as much as possible.

  14. Teenagers have s*x, but very few people preach hatred toward a persons race.

    That is the difference.

  15. Don't forget John Edwards.

  16. bill o'reilly was very upset about people criticizing palin and yet he said in the past:

    "    On the pinhead front, 16-year-old Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant. The sister of Britney says she is shocked. I bet.

        Now most teens are pinheads in some ways. But here the blame falls primarily on the parents of the girl, who obviously have little control over her or even over Britney Spears. Look at the way she behaves.


  17. Because Republicans are big bullies and crybabies.

  18. Uh you're the only one.

  19. All of it, is no ones business.  

  20. Palin's daughter having a baby really is no ones business.  Obama attended the church for almost two decades, and, attributed to Wright an inspirational role, and, selected the title of his best selling book to one of Wright's sermons.  Wright impacted Obama's thoughts and philosophies.

    This is why it matters.

  21. because Obabmas pastor could have made him racist and unpredictable as a leader. While Palins daughter has no bearing whatsoever on the campaign but is merely a media stunt much like Jamie Lynn Spears.  

  22. Because Barack Hussein Obama claims that the "Rev." Jeremiah Wright is a mentor to him.  By inference, Obama then indicates a certain agreement with the venom and hate spewed out in Wright's "sermons".

    This is certainly a stretch to try to equate the unplanned pregnancy of a 17-year-old to the hate speech of a presidential candidate's personal mentor.

  23. Because Obama claimed that his pastor was his spiritual mentor.... a close personal friend, like a member of the family.

    J. Wright is a man who Obama looked to for guidance by his own admission so Obama's judgment about his advisers MUST be questioned.

    How does a teenage pregnancy relate?

  24. You don't have to be a parent to understand this, just honest.

    If you've ever been a kid, you know that kids don't always listen to their parents, and will do things against the best advice and counsel a parent can offer.  It happens. We all know this.  

    We also know, again just by having been a kid, no need to be a parent, that the parent-child relationship isn't always one of choice. Once it starts, you're pretty much stuck, like it or not.  

    Not so with a Pastor. Obama didn't have to attend that church, didn't have to listen to him for twenty years, and beyond that, was a person of influence that could have pointed out to Wright that he was, in fact, raving like a lunatic.

    I don't blame Wright's mother for hiim being who he is, but Obama's attendance for TWENTY YEARS is a "seal of approval".  In fact, before what the man actually said came to light, Obama used his relationship with the man as a line on his resume.  

    Did Palin put Bristol on HER resume as evidence of her qualification to do something?  

    The hypocrisy is yours.  

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