
If Bristol Palin contracted an std from unprotected s*x, would cons finally drop the abstinence only nonsense?

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And no I'm not wishing it on her but not teaching children about these things puts them at risk for STD's including HIV. What will it take for them to abandon this ignorance?




  1. How about understanding that abstinence does work, even though kids may not listen?   How about reminding the kids they THEY are responsible for what they do, and that by choosing to do something, they choose the consequences also?

    How about allowing parents to firmly discipline children at an early age?

    My parents house wasn't abstinence only; it was abstinence or else.  I fathered no children in my teens.

  2. You could have asked this question without bringing Palin's daughter into it.  Give it a rest!  It's already getting old....

    Conservatives are typically Christians who believe that you shouldn't have s*x before marriage.  They do teach their kids about these risks, but they teach abstinence to prevent it.  Which by the way, is the ONLY way to be 100% protected.  So, the kids that have s*x whether you tell them to use birth control or not...are going to have s*x.

    By the way...the continuous sexist banter is not helping the Democratic party, it's going to hurt them.  They won't do the same thing to Sarah Palin as they did to Hilary Clinton.  Watch and see...  

  3. You like to **** don't you?

  4. Actually, it only makes the abstinence argument stronger - it's the only 100% sure way to prevent STD's and pregnancy.  Worked for me!

  5. I agree. That's why s*x education is so needed. It's about saving lives in every sense. Knowledge is power. Teens don't always make the right choices or the best choices. You give them as much information as possible and hope for the best. It's better then the alternative. Bush has proven that without a doubt. STDs are up in teens and it's alarming to doctors and nurses that are seeing it firsthand.  

  6. Since when is it OK to pick on the family, especially the kids of a candidate.  That gets down on the gutter level.  Why do libs have to sling mud instead of dealing with the facts of an issue.  If your problem is with abstinence only why bring in the kid.  Raise the issue of abstinence only  and leave it at that.  Maybe the kid had the information and didn't use it.  It's convenient that some can go to the abortionist and hide their "problem" whille others recognize the sancitity of life.  By the way, what about John Edwards practicing a little safe s*x birth control.   He ought to know better.

  7. Yer.

  8. Her situation was 100% preventable.  Let's hope that she did not contract anything and they both parent and child are healthy.  But if she had been educated, she might have made better choices.  

    Will cons wake up and see reality?  Don't count on it.

  9. Your question doesn't follow your point.  Had the daughter practiced abstinence there is NO chance of an STD.  A boy wearing a condom is not a *guarantee* that a girl wouldn't have gotten pregnant or gotten an STD.

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