
If Bristol Palin was your daughter or if you were in her shoes, how would you feel to be scrutinized...?

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in such a way?

I don't care what your party affiliation is, whether your pro-life or -choice, I don't even care what religion you are...if that was you or your child going through this, how would you feel?

*Sidenote...spare me from the Obama/McCain/Biden/Palin rhetoric. I'm asking you to go deeper than the election.




  1. If Palin thought she wouldn't be scrutinized after saying Yes to McCain, she's an idiot - which makes her selection even more bizarre.

  2. Unfortunately that's what happens in politics. She knew what she was getting into.  

  3. I would stick out my chest and grow some more hair and know that I was in the public eyes and that I should expect the worst.

    Would I like the comments. NO.

  4. You give up you right to refuse to be scrutinize as soon as you decide to use your position of power to legislate how people should live their lives.

  5. Obama said it correctly himself...this is a non politcal issue!

  6. I'd be extremely embarrassed.

  7.   I think that anyone that uses personal family matters as a point of contention against a candidate ought to be forced to lay bear all their private life as well for all the public to see !  

  8. I'd hate it. That's why I keep telling people to stop mentioning it, it has nothing to do w/ the election.

  9. It's a rather needless activity.  Agreed.

  10. I agree. I think she's got to feel absolutely horrible that she's going through this and also dragging her Mom along. It's going to take good parents to get this girl through everything.  

  11. Remember all the hoopla over Jamie Lynn Spears last year? As if she and Bristol Palin are the ONLY two teenage girls in the history of the world to get pregnant! The whole thing is crazy. Ok, I'm not saying being pregnant as a teenager is ok, but it certainly isn't the end of the world!

    The way some people carry on about all this stuff is just stupid. It's like some people conveniently forget there back when they were teenagers, girls got pregnant then, too... only back then (1940s, 50s, 60s, 70s and even to a certain extent the 80s) it was very hush-hush...and the girl was shunted off to a unwed mother's home or to live with relatives or if they were rich, people were told she was doing a "year abroad" at a finishing school someplace. What about the 1959 movie "A Summer Place" where Sandra Dee's character gets pregnant and winds up marrying the father?

    To me, it's a personal matter to be dealt with by the family in a practical way...NOT to gossipped about by the neighbors, not to be analyzed and scrutinized by the major media.

    If you ask me, people just need to back off because it's none of their business, and they need to stop being so self-righteous and pretending they're so perfect and above-it-all because the reality is that MANY teens from all backgrounds do have s* their kid is also just as capable of getting pregnant or fathering a child in their teens, too! No family can watch kids 24/7 unless you put 'em on house arrest or something.

    FTR I put my daughter on the Pill when it was clear she was being sexually active. I didn't like the idea at all, and I would've preferred she waited until marriage, but I figure it was better to be practical about it than wind up with unintended pregnancy the family simply could not afford...and if someone wants to judge us for that, oh well....

  12. I cannot believe that any parent would put their child thru this kind of scrutiny at such a stressful time in their life.  Like being 17 isn't hard enough, now you have the entire world talking about your s*x life and where it got you.

  13. i think its pretty pointless, the girl got nothing to do with the election. its mccain and sarah who is running for the oval office, not her daughter...

    people are hypocrite and mean, few days ago when Palin was not a VP choice nobody even cared if her daughter is pregnant or virgin, it only came to light when Palin became McCain's running mate.

    I think people should get a life and live family matters alone. if it continues it would be awfully embarrassing and stupid...  

  14. Our kids knew that there would be no babies in our home unless they were ours. We never gave the message that this would be acceptable and so they were more responsible.  When our daughters were serious about having s*x they came to us and we put them on the pill.  If this were my family my daughters knew that adoption would be their only choice.  This type of education has to begin when kids are very young to be an accepted moral/value.  I'm sure she is really not thrilled especially since she already has one baby to care for who's needs may be very great.  This is not something you hope for your children. Oh and don't think we are high and mighty Christians as we are athiests.

  15.   I would be hurt like any normal parent.  My beliefs wouldn't change because my child made a mistake and I would still love and support them just as much and even more after the mistake.  It is sad the wolves cannot stick to the issues and have to attack a person's child.

  16. Well, I would have never put my child through this public humiliation. I for one would put my children before my own reputation and career.

  17. firstly.

    She (her mother) choose to expose themselves to this kind of criticism, when she accept the nod for VP..


    In addition to what my daughter is taught in school.  I will be sure to do everything possible to make sure that my daughter is on birth control.(I went through this at 17, and while I certainly don't regret was far from ideal)

    My parents were not looking out for me the way they should have been, and neither were hers.

  18. I would be angry that they are bringing Children andissuess that don't matter into the campaign. And, If I were a woman being roasted like this, I would ask my fellow "women rights activists" why they only mean PRO CHOICE DEM women are the ones to go out and show you can be more than a woman and Mother.....Guess they were just HYPOCRITES!  

  19. I kinda gotta bring something from the Bible into my answer...

    The Pharisees (religious scholars) brought a prostitute caught in the act of adultery and threw her down at Jesus's feet.   They said that she was caught in the act of adultery, and by the law, was required to be stoned to death.  Jesus began writing on the ground the sins that each of those Pharisees had been committing.  He said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."  Shortly after the woman looked up, Jesus said "Where are your accusers?"  He then told the woman "Go and sin no more."

    The girl made a mistake.  As a parent, there's two options, be hyper-protective of your child and not let them learn for themselves, or let your child go free to experience life and all the lumps that come with it.   No parent can do everything the perfect way because supervising your childs every move is overprotective, and leaving them room to do the right thing sometimes allows them to mess up.  Bristol Palin has atleast decided not to cover up her sinful mistake with another thing which God calls a sin- abortion (murder).  As disappointed as I would be with her bad decision leading to her pregnancy, I would love her anyways and appreciate that she's atleast willing to take personal responsibility for her actions.  

  20. I wouldn't put my child in that position if my personal political beliefs were going to have to undergo the kind of scrutiny that a National political figure WILL have to. Mrs. Palin could have said no! It is only because of her stance, that this is being called newsworthy.

  21. Are you saying that society does NOT scrutinize my daughter? They sure do, and she's not a teen mother! I hear about her actions from friends, teachers, pastor, and relations.

    Gossip and backbiting--don't pretend you are above it. Society is downright NOSEY!

    Now,  to your question: How would I feel if I were scrutinized for lying about pretending my daughter's FIRST baby was my own? I mean, if that lie included the tall tale that my water broke in Texas then I flew to Alaska THEN drove to a remote clinic to finally give birth? What if I was challenged on that unbelievable lie? Challenged by people from whom I am seeking a measure of trust?

    Why, I think I would decide honesty is the best policy, let my daughter have her baby back, and help her get settled into the life of a single mother with two infant children.

  22. I would feel terrible. It's an invasion of privacy. BRISTOL never asked to be in the spotlight.  I support Gov. Palin and even if it were Obama's kids, I would feel bad.  I remember when they called Chelsea Clinton "Ugly", I didn't think it was right.  Kids need to be kept out.

  23. I wouldn't like it but I would also have to realize that I am in the public forum and these kinds shots are part of being there.  How these things are received and how these people are treated certainly lets you know the true heart of people, doesn't it?

  24. As Bristol, I'd feel awful.  Not only do I have to deal with my friends and family telling me about my bad choices and decisions,  I have the entire country thinking that I'm stupid and horrible person.  I think Sarah should have considered her daughters feelings (or the outcome of the situation) before she entered the race. That's too much stress for a teen, especially one carrying a child.  

  25. I'm in the Obama camp, but I wish the families of candidates could be respected and left alone on both sides.  This has got to be heartbreaking for Bristol Palin, and that's what matters.

    Edit:  Bristol Palin didn't choose to run for office.  Her mother did.

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