
If Britain is supposed to be one of the most advanced countries of the world?

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why cant it deal with simple problems like Justice and its economy why does it keep getting in such a mess and voting in people who know nothing about running a country.




  1. Sounds like America with George Bush. We have the British version of George Bush named Gordon Brown.

  2. You are deluded. Under the guidance of the great and beneficial one eyed gurning offal scoffer, Britain has become a third world state, not one of the most advanced!

  3. Im all for you on that one....Hit it bang on the nail....

    Young MPs with no hands on experience.

  4. Britain and American governments are under control of the n**i Elite, they are looked after as long as they toe the line and do as they are told, look at how Blair is being looked after because he sold out to them, Brown is on the same treadmill, going down the same path, as our Tory leader gets ready to take over, and is groomed on how to brainwash the people so he can sell them out.

  5. Because no country will ever be able to control every individual. Rebellion is actually the essence of all creation. The law of inertia had to broken so anything and everything can start moving. So from there law was destined to never work. The only thing that is Supreme is Knowledge. If you feed the intellect of people with true information instead of tainted education and tainted news, it may quell the conspiracy theories that cause's people to distrust those whom control the disbursement of information. Which cause the ripple effect and chain of events to take place. Greaat Question!!!!

  6. I have in my career lived and worked in other countries, and have had the privilege of sharing in the experiences of other peoples social and political situations. I can only share my experience, whilst I agree that we as a nation have problems, I still feel that its a great place to live. Having run my own household and having at times run departments at work, and having experienced the problems that, that has entailed, I marvel that the governments of the day (whoeverer they maybe) cope as well as they do. We have the freedom to sit and submit issues to forums such as this, some may say not enough freedom and they will work in thier way (peacefully I hope) to create more freedom. We may not be the most advanced country, by we are not bad by any length, better by far than some of the nations I worked and lived in. I am hoping that you are one of the youth of our nation, and that in asking the question you have, means that you  care enough to become involve in the solution to the problems of the country. As an engineer I was taught that if you look at the problem the problem remains, if you look for a solution the problem goes away.

  7. we did,nt vote for brown he was promoted . as for Britain being one of the most advanced nations of the world  you must be living in the distant past

  8. Simple

    1) The people who vote are normal people, so the people they elect will also be normal people. Ergo, it is unlikely for normal people to be able to solve complex problems when they barely graduated from college.

  9. The situation in Britain is no different from any other advanced economy. We could find similar problems, or different ones of equal (ie not great) magnitude in France, Germany etc. Comparing Britain to burgeoning economies is also unfair - the low starting point of they operate from makes unrefined analysis a nonsense.  

    "Simple problems" are, oddly enough, immensely complicated and difficult issues to fathom. Certain no one except the Daily Mail thinks they have the answers. Further realise that ministers do not operate alone - policy is advised by expert minds form industry & academia.

  10. Did we vote someone in?

    I must have missed that

  11. Well it isnt the most advanced country so shut your gob

  12. do you think you could run the country better?

  13. You have answered you own question.

  14. Maybe Britain should take a hint from the Czech Republic which never has a career politician for a President, but rather an economist.  The Czech Crown has doubled in value against the dollar from seven years ago, and is also very strong against the Euro.

    Unemployment is low in the Czech Republic, and they never have any big economic swings, just steady progress.

    Maybe Britain has the same problem as the U.S.:  always voting for politicians who promise a quick cure.

  15. I would love for this country to be the most advanced in the world, regretfully its not..I have also had the theory that the actual country should be run by the leaders of industry not by people gifted with the gift of the gab, and little other knowledge.  Politicians could then deal with causing wars and all the other things not connected with efficient running of the country.  Allowing the bank in some respects dictating to Government as at the moment, has been quite a success, who knows finance better than the banks, certainly not Brown.

  16. England hasn't been the most advanced since world war two - keep up!  (and hey, we didn't vote in these guys, I have nothing to do with them!)

  17. The Lie of Terrorism

    September 11 2001

    The world was shocked when they saw what happened at that day.

    Simply because what happened there was impossible.

    Impossible you might ask?

    But I saw it with my own eyes!

    Of course you saw it, everyone saw it.

    Just like you see David Blaine vanishing cards.

    Just like you see a second class magician performing one of his tricks.

    But the truth is simple!

    1+1 is not 3

    But yet they force us to believe that two commercial Passenger Jets have been captured by amateurs with no knowledge,

    help or experience and flew them into two buildings that burned one hour

    and made three buildings collapse to the ground

    without damaging any of the surrounding buildings.

    My dear friend, doesn’t this insult your intelligence?

    Well, it should!

    Every child has more Brain than this!

    The Madrid Bombings

    The simple fact that all of the alleged bombers have been on the payroll of the Spanish Secret Service

    is conclusion enough that this is a family job!

    The London Bombings

    Since I lived in London for a long time I had to take this particular bus to hackney on frequent trips to my friends.

    But for all those years I never drove along Tavistock Square on this route.

    And It never would because it is way off route.

    So why did they redirect it there?

    One simple term: Showmanship!

    It looks better to blow up a Bus near the Israeli Embassy

    than in Peckenham Corner.

    Want more evidence?

    All three Underground Bombs were triggered simultaneously, i.e. they killed at the same point of time.

    This can only be done by professionals.

    Even more when you cannot use your mobile phone on the Underground in London. That eliminates this point of view.

    To trigger a simultaneous signal in the Underground Railway of London,

    one has to use the Driver’s Communication Network.

    And that can only be done by the Family!

    The Anthrax Letters!

    It is proven beyond any question and beyond any doubt that the Anthrax used in this Attack was produced by the CIA!

    That makes them the Terrorists!

    Gordon Brown

    How convenient that on the day of Mr. Browns Initiation

    there were two “Terror” attacks, one in London and one in Glasgow.

    The Picture in London shows a Mercedes full of canisters parked in an empty road,

    and the video footage of Glasgow shows us some Guy in a fireproof suit

    ramming his car into a wall.

    How convenient that this Agent “died” in hospital of his wounds.

    Quite frankly if all Terrorists behave that way we don't need to be scared.

    Needless to say that Gordon Brown is a Freemason!

    All I can say is: They are running out of Ideas!

    The "Freemasons" The "Brotherhood of Death"

    It is a secret society, because you do not know who members are and what they plan to do. They do not give much to charity because their charity is their own members.

    They look after their own, any child needs life saving surgery the fraternity pays for it.

    It is corrupt they own the federal bank and the bank of England, they print money out of nothing and it is not regulated. They include the Rothschild’s, Morgan’s and the Rockefellers. Blair and bush are high ranking masons; Blair is a 7th degree mason. There are two factions of the free masons originating in the UK the York right and the Scottish right. Masons from York went and build major buildings in New York including the statue of Liberty, the moved from York England and build a city in America and called it the New York. Washington including the Whitehouse was build by freemasons from Edinburgh Scotland.

    The free masons control the economic order of the world and it is they who are creating the economic fall at present. Money means nothing to them as they have too much; it’s about power for them and the games they play with us. We are their monopoly board and we are expendable. Their plan is to reduce the population by 85% through war disease and ill health

    Dr Gallo (Go to you tube and type in his name) was funded in the 1960's by the US government to produce a deadly virus to reduce the black population in America. All the vaccines for Aids contain the aids virus and mercury. All vaccines for children and the flu bug contain the 2d most deadly poison on earth MERCURY. They put fluoride in our water which destroys the thyroid gland and leads to cancer. They put cancerous chemicals in our processed foods and poison the air over our cities. There is a cure for cancer but they will not tell you because the pharmaceutical companies are owned by them, they and cancer are the biggest money making rackets after war and oil. All cancer is, is a vitamin deficiency of B17 and vitamin D which creates a strong immune system fighting cancer.

    The Rothschild’s were the largest and richest land owners in the UK during the Napoleonic war. When Britain defeated France at Waterloo Rothschild was the first person to be informed. So he went to the stock market and sold all his property. Other wealthy owns watched Rothschild selling all that he owned so the quickly followed suit thinking that they had lost the war to France. When they did Rothschild bought everything back and more and huge discounts. Forget the wealthy Arab prince's the Rockefellers and Rothschild’s have far more wealth and one time they owned two thirds of the world!

    Masonic Entered Apprentice Oath.  Entered Apprentice is the first of the three basic degrees of Masonry.

    To all of which I do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, without any hesitation, mental reservation, or secret evasion of mind in me whatsoever; binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out, and with my body buried in the sands of the sea at low-water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate this, my solemn Obligation of an Entered Apprentice.  So help me God and make me steadfast to keep and perform the same.

    Masonic FellowCraft Oath.  FellowCraft is the second of the three basic degrees of Masonry.

    To all of which I do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, without any hesitation, mental reservation, or secret evasion of mind in me whatsoever; binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my left breast torn open, my heart and vitals taken thence, and with my body given as a prey to the vultures of the air, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate this, my solemn Obligation of a Fellow Craft. So help me God and make me steadfast to keep and perform the same.

    Masonic Master Mason’s Oath.  Master Mason is the third of the three basic degrees of Masonry.

    To all of which I do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, without any hesitation, mental reservation, or secret evasion of mind in me whatsoever; binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my body severed in twain, my bowels taken thence, and with my body burned to ashes, and the ashes thereof scattered to the four winds of Heaven, that there might remain neither track, trace nor remembrance among man or Masons of so vile and perjured a wretch as I should be, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate this, my solemn Obligation of a Master Mason. So help me God and make me steadfast to keep and perform the same.


  18. i'm afraid even the most advanced nations on the planet suffer from these problems, but its alright america will be there to save the day

  19. It would seem the population likes actors and unelected.Both

    in our Parliament and EEC.

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