
If Britain was attacked etc ?

by  |  earlier

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what kind of help would we get ? apart form angry words from the US





  1. If you were attacked, its none of USAs business. I sure as **** dont want a penny of mine spent on maintaining your police state.

    Are you cradled in my arm , looking up at me asking this? Am I your protector? Are you not the 2nd strongest military in the world - with arguably BETTER gear than our own military? Perhaps you feel a traffic violation on your street is better resolved in our overseas court system.

  2. Given the US's record, would you WANT it to help?

    The Commonwealth could protect you.

  3. We are part of the US, to all practical intent and purpose,so there's no chance that America would not be involved if we were attacked, it would be an attack on America.

  4. we have 13 million illegals of military age who can earn their citizenship with just 2 years military service...good deal

  5. All armies from Commonwealth of countries would defend Britain, to protect their sovereign Queen.

  6. We could send you illegal immigrants.


    "We are part of the US, to all practical intent and purpose,so there's no chance that America would not be involved if we were attacked, it would be an attack on America."

    lol, perhaps you don't understand the U.S.'s rich history. Britain is not part of the U.S., even though Britain might like to think so.

  7. If Britain were attacked we would be extremely stupid if we didn't do everything we could to stand with them on the front lines.

  8. europe nation will help too :) we are all together... If one EU state is attacked then all are...

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