
If Bush opens another war before January should the military revolt against him?

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And take over until a new president is elected. There is a persistent rumor that Bush plans another bogus attack on the US and use it to impose martial law on the country.




  1. they cant. who would lead them? It would be worse than bush in office (a dictatorship)

  2. I agree with Ed Z. Bush knew about 9-11 before it happened. Their all friends. Start thinking for yourselves and stop listening to that c**p about Bush not knowing anything. Watch the tapes closely and learn how that building was made. You can definitely see that Bush had something to do with it. Our troops are dying for nothing and it isn't right.

  3. It would never happen.

    The military revolting, that is.

    A large number of troops in Iraq know what's what, but wouldn't dream of revolting.

    It's complicated, with various power bases, spheres of influence, ulterior motives, flying all over the place.

    The best we can do is sit back and watch.

  4. if they did it before the elections it would cause chaos, he could be tried after hes out

  5. Hate to burst your bubble, but the President of the United States is often just a face to associate with the country.  You forget that if congress wanted to recall the troops, they could have at any time after the first 100 days that they were sent into Afghanistan.  I mean no offense, but most of you people don't know the first thing about the political system of the US.  If the military revolted our nation would be in shambles.

    On a side note, as you seem like an anti-war protestor, please keep in mind that while most people are ranting "my soldier.... your freedom", etc., I want you to ask yourself when the last time our troops actually fought for OUR freedom here in the US was.  I'm a little dim in the area, but WWII maybe?

    Society has to maintain a certain level of order, and if the United States didn't try to teach someone a lesson, who else would have?  That's what makes us THAT country, and we're better off for it.

    I encourage some political research.  Very good question though.

  6. I don't think that's very constitutional.

    There are a lot of ridiculous rumors.

  7. He has been dead on right so far (with one exception).  Why would the military not support him?

  8. The military has the utmost respect for this Pres.  That would never happen.

  9. Yes, they should revolt right now and put Bush on trial for war crimes.

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