
If Bush was allowed to have another term in the office, would you vote for him or Obama?

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[with cheney as bush's vp] Will you decide not to vote? Or vote for whoever the Independent party's candidate is? You don't have to explain why just don't be annoying by giving me a bunch of facts




  1. I would vote Bush.

  2. BUSH? AGAIN?? *Shiver.*

    Don't make me think like that. It makes me break out in hives.

    That means... unequivocably... no.

  3. O-B-A-M-A, without a doubt. I'll never vote Republican again.

  4. I would vote for Mickey Mouse before I would vote for Bush.  I have not voted for him yet!  Voting an independent party would be a vote for bush!  I would have to vote Democratic!

  5. i would vote for bush.

    i would veto our CRAPPY democratic congress though. what a great job their doing *rolls eyes*

    things were fine until they took over.

  6. Bush.  

    He has inherited the aftermath of Clinton's failed economy, junk bonds and falsely inflated tech stock prices.  

    We elected a President about 30 years ago who was a Washington outsider and campaigned on "Change".  He was elected because people were fed up with Republicans.  His name was Jimmy Carter and he nearly destroyed this country, much like Obama will do.  

    Many of you liberal whiners are too young to remember Carters reign which is why you still believe the lies that liberals feed you.  

  7. Bush.

  8. What? What kind of dumb *** would vote for ANY republican?

  9. I am a Republican but do not want 4 more years.  I also don't want Borebama.  

    I like making my own decisions based on the brain that God gave me.  I'd have to write in someone else.

  10. I'd vote for Obama, hands down. I'd never in my LIFE vote for Bush... h**l, I didn't vote for him before (granted this is the first time i can vote) but I'd still NEVER vote fro that dumba$$...

    and anyone who did is an effing idiot. First time around... ok.. but the second time? Yeah, Kerry was a hack, but I'd bet my first born that he wouldn't have been as bad as Bush...

    And let's not forget that Bush shouldn't have won in 2000 to begin with... I'm just saying....

  11. bush , for the 3rd time. i do not agree with obama on any issues , so i will never ever vote for him.  

  12. Heck no.  This country is worse off at every turn and the $50 he saved me on my taxes has been more than made up for in inflation, lost purchasing ability, and lost market value for my 401k.

  13. Bush is better than Obama

  14. On the third anniversary of Katrina with Gustav on its way; I say h**l no to Bush or McBush Jr. NO WAY, NO HOW AND NO MCCAIN!

  15. Denied!!!

  16. I don`t see McCain as a Bush. I disagree with your message. McCain has gone against Bush enough times to know he is not the same or his puppet. NO I will not vote for Bush, never have and never will. I abstained the last two times he became the front runner. I don`t always follow the party line, I have a brain to think with and know better, sorry!  

  17. Bush. Obama is a dangerous socialist and I would never trust him with the keys to the nation.  

  18. Are you kidding?  I would vote for the inexperienced man b/f voting to keep that dumba$$ again.  We would never get out of debt if we left GWB in there.

  19. I would vote for Dumbo the Clown before Bush, least I would get entertainment that won't cost me.. cause I would expect foolishness..

  20. I'd vote for my jar of Skippy Peanut Butter over another 4 years of GWB!

  21. Bush. Obama is a racist socialist

  22. Yes i would, if bush could run. But he cant of course! lets focus on who is running!

  23. Bush has been, is, and would be qualified.

    Obama is green, biased, radical, and he hates me, I am white.

  24. Good heavenly days, I would vote for almost anyone over another Bush/Cheney term!!

  25. Bush. Voting independent is just wasting paper.

  26. Obama

  27. I didn't vote for Bush the first two times.  No way in h**l would I ever vote for him, especially after the last eight years.

  28. I would vote for Bush.

  29. bush i voted for him the other two times..we as a country can lay the blame at his feet..or we can say it wasn't him it was the congress..but what about was one man did this to our national one man brought 9-11 on was in the works way before he took office...he did what he thought was right with iraq...saddam touted he had weapons to scare others in the area...he was so good at his propaganda we believed it..h**l i remember watching the news thinking o s@@@ dont its bush's fault he lied he did what he had to do to protect our way of life...i find no fault in those areas that rest solely on his shoulders.....and him or would be bush hands down

  30. I've come to the conclusion that anyone who voted for Bush twice, shouldn't be allowed to vote.  Now I hear that people would vote for him again!  It's unbelievable, but more than that, it's very sad.    

    Don't you remember?...the rush to war with Iraq who didn't attack us, the cherry picking of evidence and use of intimidation to convince us and congress to go to war there, the trillions of dollars in debt (for what?, something good for the country?), the secrecy, the dictatorial disrespect of the other branches of government, the imperial presidency, election shananagans, political corruption of the justice department, Katrina, the appointments of industry insiders to agency's regulating their industries, the tax cuts for the wealthiest or as Bush referred to them ("our base"), that have left us in deep debt, when we need to invest in the future.  I can't even begin to list the travesty that Bush has put this country through, and the problems we will have to deal with in his wake.  

    and people would still vote for him again?  Where is there head at?

    P.S. the prejudicial remarks posted here toward Obama (he hates me because I'm white, etc.) are disturbing (and probably against community guidelines), even considering the sources.

  31. i agree wit this julia girl


    but on a serious not i guess obama =P

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