
If CM Punk puts on a great performance at Unforgiven, and gets a clean victory in the scramble....Q inside...?

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Will all the CM Punk haters finally stop hating?




  1. I hope so!

  2. hasnt he have proved it already?

  3. No..they will grow. It is inevitable. Cena is out with an injury to what looks like a long period of time. So they will need someone to hate on, and it looks like CM Punk is their next target.

  4. I doubt it.  No victory in pro wrestling is "clean" - the sport is completely pre-booked, so the results of the matches really don't mean anything.  I guess, to be fair, marks will base their opinion on match results.  But well-informed wrestling fans base their opinion on wrestlers on the quality of their wrestling.  In that case, most of those guys already respect CM Punk.

  5. i wish

  6. Well, hopefully why is everyone hating on him anyways. He deserves it. CM PUNK CM PUNK!

  7. I Don't Get Whats To Hate I Think Cm Punk Is A Great Talent If The intercontinental title and the united states were being used alot better then they are at the moment i would have him hold one of those untill he has matured abit more but right now as they aren't it's nice to see the big title push he's had  

  8. sure i like him ever since he kicked edges @ss. in a few years they will be showing that moment on wwe 24/7

  9. Crappy Paper Champ..

  10. that would be nice.  i met him the other day and he is really really nice in person :]

    besides the fact that he is a really great wrestler :]

  11. oh yeah i know it typical punk fans if you hate punk your nothing but a smark.

    i met punk and he was the biggest ******. I asked him for a autograph and he said let me think about it nah i have better things to do.

    punk was good in roh though but is crappy in the wwe. He hasn't had that many memerable feuds. All he did was beat jobbers such as shannon moore, and elijah burke. When he didn't fight jobbers he fought wrestlers superior to him.

    Oh yeah Morrison Chavo>>>>>> Cmpunk

    punk hasn't earned the world title. Even though I dislike Jeff he's done more to deserve it than cmpunk.

    I had a friend  go to a houseshow when punk was wrestling in ecw, and she told me punk didn't even try or look like he gave a rat's @$$ in that match, which tells me that punk only puts in effort when he's getting a push.

    cmpunk sucks and quite frankly I'm a little tired of people trying to force me to like people like cmpunk or john cena

    what if i told everbody you had to like edge randy orton and chris jericho cause they put on good performances

  12. Unfortunately, fans and haters will never stop complaining no matter what happens.

    Although many people hate John Cena, I think he had a few good matches in 2007 during his ridiculous 13 month reign with Randy Orton and Umaga at Royal Rumble 2007. Still, the fans hated him and kept bashing him.

    I think CM Punk is a great wrestler, with tons of charisma and mic skills that just haven't been exploited in the WWE. They have limited him from the in ring genius he was in ROH and they haven't really given him enough mic time and enough exposure to really grind in to his straight-edge gimmick.

    Haters will always be around because they have one word that describes them, smarks. They're Internet critics who'll never stop hating unless EVERYTHING goes their way, and even then they'll complain like kids. I think Punk will do well in the scramble and I'm sure he'll retain. I just do not think that haters will shut up, because that's their nature, they hate.

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