
If CO2,helium,O2,normal air is put into a rugby ball what is the result on performance of ball?

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The gases are put in seperately not together, cannot work the same as any other as each gas has different mass




  1. it would work like any other rugby ball

  2. With He or H2 will be lighter, maybe CO2 a little heavier, and O2 or N2 about the same as air...

  3. The CO2 ball would be heavier, the helium ball would be lighter, and the O2 ball would be roughly the same. As to the resulting affect on performance, I'm sure you can imagine.

  4. would make no difference at all. These components are already present in a regular rugby ball.

  5. Helium is lighter than air and cause the ball to float away.

    Carbon Dioxide is heavier than air so the ball would not bounce so well and it would be harder to kick.

    Oxygen is lighter than air, but the difference is so small you wouldn't notice, no more that a ball being slightly over/under inflated.

    Since air is the cheapest, at a cost of nil, I suggest you put that in you balls.

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