
If CO2 cause global warming, does that mean soft drinks are bad for environment?

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  1. yes soft drinks are bad for environment because soft drinks are made using pesticides and CO2, so too much of that might cause damage to the environment.

  2. It is not Co2 that is the problem but water vapor (humidity) in the air. This can be tested with ease if you have two locations close to each other where Co2 levels will be similar but humidity from local environments is different. A good place to evaluate this is around Palm Springs California and 29 Palms California. They are only about 50 miles apart in distance, but are in two different valley systems. Palm Springs and communities surrounding it are luxury living with lots of pools, lakes, fountains and other decorative and recreational water features. 29 Palms on the other hand has few if any water features of any kind to put humidity into the air.

    The actual temperature in both areas is close to the same on a thermometer. But in Palm Springs it fells much hotter to the body and this is caused by the local humidity being higher. When humidity is higher than 50% it is more difficult for perspiration to evaporate off your skin and cool your body. In lower humidity levels perspiration evaporates more easily giving the impression the air is cooler because you feel cooler. In fact the Co2 is probably higher in the low humidity region because there are fewer plants there to take it out of the air. Co2 is actually the most rare gas in the atmosphere that has been targeted as a global warming agent, there are several others that comprise a much larger percentage.

  3. they are but considerably less harmful  

  4. I think that there is only a small amount of CO2 in the soft drinks. Hence, it is not a big deal for us to drink carbonated beverages. If you want to protect the environment, just throw the aluminum can into the recycle bin after you have drunk it.

  5. No !!  CO2 is just the way mother natures marks what the plants need to recycle into oxygen. It is also part of the recycle of our fossil fuels. If U eliminate all CO2 we will die. U breath out CO2 does that make U bad?? The plants have it under control . The environmentalist never give the plants any credit for what they have done for US. Global Warming is a scam to make money by Gore.  

  6. Wow there are some very ignorant answers on this one!

    Look, the CO2 that is used in soda pop comes directly from the existing CO2 in the Earths atmosphere. The CO2 that is causing climate change ,comes from fossil fuels!  That CO2 has been 'locked up' deep in the Earth.  It's the rapid addition of the fossilized CO2 that is the problem! It's not a "scam" or a "hoax!  

  7. co2 doesn't cause global warming, what causes it is CFC-12  a cooling agent. it comes from air conditioners and fridges, it leaks into the air and eats at the layer of ozone that protects us from the UV rays the sun produces

  8. Even the larger denier sites have stopped pushing the co2 doesn't cause global warming line, it just doesn't wash.

    "pesticides" in soft drinks is a new one on me, most of the co2 in soft drinks actually comes from beer production as a by product.

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