
If CON is opposite of PRO, does it mean our CONgress should be blamed for our slow PROgress?

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  1. lolz good observation..

    but no con and pro in congress and progress are different

  2. Well both words don't have nothing to do with government actions. It's the people whom run the country that way and the people whom allow them to run the country that way who are at fault. By the way you don't pronounce it CON-gress it's cong-ress that's why that analigy doesn't jive and Pro-gress is prog-ress. The Philippines in general need to stop copying what goes on in the US and need to worry about themselves. For example when the US market goes down the Philippine market goes down. When the gas goes up in the US the gas goes up in the Philippines. I wish the Filipinos that hold that power to make a change do so and do it in their own way. So the stereotyping can stop.

  3. The Office of the President, not just the Congress, should be blamed for our slow progress.  

  4. One can not PRO-gress if he is CON-fused.

    That progress-congress joke is older than me.

  5. lol...

    I love A.V. Rs answer on that other category... the professional should go to the confessional... isn't it fitting?

    Come to think of it, most professionals thinks of themselves to be better than others, a cut above the rest but really, what they really need is a confession..especially if we are talking about our congress who in one way or another is also to be blamed fo our progress. Am not saying it's all their fault but they have a hand with that, I am sure. On second thought, I think we all have a hand in our slow progress... not just the congress...

  6. Well, I dunno if what I observed  right now is it is becoz im grwn up enough and had read more way back then when I was in College. where.. this kind of talks bores me to death. I can see that the my beloved country Philippines is taking its path towards progress because when i was a little girl.. I can't drink an 8 ounce coke.. now I can easily buy a can of coke.

    See? children in elementary levels had thier own celphones... where way back in 1980's oh no...

    Today I see a lot of students whose tuition fees subsidized by government.

    This Con and Pro observation is quite a product of a working mind. Nevetheless, I suggest each of us think positve... Let us keep on praying that the Philippines will work towards PROG-ress and stand by our CONstitution.

    I agree w/ kimsca and thumbs up for champagne.

  7. Good one Allan.  Can I use that?

  8. If PROferio is 15 years older than CONchita and into his twilight years, he should not blame CONchita for his slow progress.

    Leave CONchita alone and PORferio will do fine on his own.  

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