
If California really sunk, That would devestate the us economy right?

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i hear all this nonsesnce of Califonia sinking, and even more after a really small earthquake in chino hills yesterday.

If California was to really sink, the Us would loose alot! some people say they wont loose much but seriosly they will loose:

Alot of Dairy and produce

Alot of Tourism



and a lot of econmy stuff too because California is one of the largest Economy's in the world. just california.

and is this nonsence really true?




  1. Ironman1 is only half right.

    California will not sink. It's impossible, and no real expert is predicting that. However, everything to the west of the San Andreas Fault is moving NW, so it *will* eventually separate apart from the state and create its own island system in the Pacific. So that part yes, is correct from ironman1's answer.  

    The time it will take for such an event to occur is also well outside of human activity, so that by the time the coast of CA *is* separated from the North American continental, it will have absolutely no effect on our economy, because we humans most likely won't be around to see it.  We will have either gone extinct, or evolved into some other form of civilization.

    The only way CA will go under water is if the sea level rises enough to cover it, which has nothing to do with Plate Tectonics.  And that also will not happen within a time frame that either you, your children, your grandchildren, or any generation within the next thousands of years need to worry about.

  2. Unfortunatly california will sink. California's border is a MAJOR fault line. (San Andreas Fault) Plate Tectonic action (plates underground in the earths crust) is slowly moving california out to sea. The plates constantly move around and california is the first to move.

    Losing California would be an economic blow to the USA. Lets try not to worry about that :D

    Good luck and i hoped this helped you

  3. if it were to sink(which i dunno how or when)

    it would pretty much cause the fall of the u.s(hypothetically speaking..maybe it can survive but not be a superpower who knows)anyways the population in L.A alone is greater than that of canada's and our economy(yes CA's economy) matches that than some european countries economies...maybe even greater depending on which country

  4. I am thirty five years of age, and they have been saying this c**p since i was in the seventh grade. California will not sink, they have calibrated this story for so many years. it. California is sliding towards San Francisco.

  5. Believe me it will not sink.I am the person issued the warning 2 hours before Tsunami struck our coast.

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