
If California were to break off from The United States would that make it its own country? or

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would it stay a state?




  1. Why would it become a country???  Hawaii is a state and it is a long way out there.  Besides that if it declared Independence it would lose all the federal money for infrastructure and such.  Just think california wines would cost more due to excise taxes on imported wines.  You'd need a passport to visit LA.  What about the US military bases out there??  Besides the taxes out there would skyrocket.

  2. If we broke away from the union then we become our own republican country, as our Constitution states.

    But it wont happen.

  3. I think we are unsure of your question.  If it physically separated by an event such as an earthquake, it would remain a state.  If it "broke off" by seceding from the Union, it would be a separate nation unless we went to war to get it back as we did in the Civil War.  It was, briefly, it's own nation, the Republic of California for roughly a month in 1846.  The Republic of Texas was a sovereign nation from 1836-1845.  

  4. That intresting that you mention this question.  I had a dream about this for some unknown reason 2 days ago.  California fused with Canada to become some unkown conglamamerate.

  5. It depends on what you mean by the question.  If California were to physically break away from the N-America continent in an earthquake and become an island, it would stay a state.

    If it were to politically break away from the US of A, even though it has borders to other states, it would become it's own country, just like Canada has borders to some US states and so does Mexico.

  6. That would be the greatest thing ever, they could be Part of Mexico, they are almost there anyway, but Pelosi, Boxer and Feinstein must go with them, I would contribute to that great cause, it would be like cutting out a tumour of the USA.

  7. geologically yes.

  8. One could only hope.

  9. Your missinformed. The pacific plate is riding up on the north american plate. California isn't heading out to sea, it's heading toward Oregon. When it gets there we can just rename it Caligon.  

  10. Hawaii isn't a part of the continental US but it's still a state.

    Who keeps downrating everyone answering with Hawaii as an example?

  11. it would probably stay a state, unless it goes under, then it would be a memory

  12. It would stay a state, like Hawaii.

  13. pretty sure it would stay a state.

  14. if it left the US it would be a country, to stay a state it couldn't cede from the union. Didn't we fight a war to stop this sort of thing.

  15. Is Hawaii a country?  

  16. It would be an island, but remain  the state of  California. I think the same thing about Florida.

  17. Depends if California wants to go out on its own or not..

    Hawaii and Alaska are states and they're not connected to the U.S. (;

  18. If California gained independence from the United States, it would be its own nation.

    California, as a part of the United States, is a state.

    Check the history of Texas regarding statehood and independence.  

  19. If they are not part of the United States of America then by definition are no longer a state. They could become a Republic like Texas, or just be called California, the Land of Fruits and Nuts.  

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