
If Camilla gets to be queen, should she choose a new name to "rule" under"?

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A long time ago was a bit buzz about Diana, Princess of Wales. "Diana" was a pagan name, and there was speculation that she'd choose to be queen under "Francis" or pick another. So, should Camilla choose a new name if she gets to be Queen? Would losing "Camilla" mean gaining a better image?




  1. --- Queen Elizabeth's father was named  "Albert Frederick Arthur George" and he was called Albert all of his life. When he was in his forties, he found out that his brother was going to abdicate and he would be King. He didn't want to rule under the name Albert , so he chose as his ruling name George VI to keep continuity with the last two centuries.

    --- However, there is very little advantage to changing the name of the consort.

    --- Obviously Camilla would prefer to be called Duchess of Cornwall instead of Princess of Wales, even though that his her legal title. It would be uncomfortable to automatically remind everyone of Diana every time she is introduced.

    -- As to her title when Charles becomes King, it is bad taste for them to discuss it while Elizabeth is alive. Why bring media attention to something that may not happen for a long time.


    Incidentally, the Queen cannot order that her son be bypassed in favor of her grandson. She actually does not have the power to change the succession. Only parliament can change the succession, and they are unlikely to do something so arbitrary.


    Let's keep in mind that if QEII lives as long as her mother, Camilla will be 80 years old, Charles will be 79, and William will be 45. Charles is already the oldest heir to the throne in history (from a parent). Only one man succeeded his brother at an older age. The rule of Charles III (or whatever name he chooses) is likely to be fairly low-key.

  2. I hope not.  I think Camilla is a lovely name, and I think 'Queen Camilla' sounds very nice.

  3. Prince Charles decides wether or not Camilla will be named Queen Consort or the lesser title, Princess Consort when he comes to the throne. He is already thinking about this but has as of yet to make the decision. Camilla may chose to rule by a middle name as many other Queen Consorts have done before, but I do not see her changing her name.  If she becomes Princess Consort she will be the first wife of a King of Britain or England to have that title. All of the others have been Queen Consort.

  4. According to the official website of the British royal family, Camilla will never be queen.  The closest she can get is Princess Consort, just as the current queen's husband is the Prince Consort.

    And I don't think it matters what name a monarch has.  When Queen Victoria was young and not yet queen, some people raised a stink about her name being Latin, not English, and they tossed around the idea of changing her name.  In a fiction book I have about her, when they were talking about changing her name, she sarcastically says something like, "If they're changing my name to English, I'll be named Victory, just like Uncle Billy's ship!"  Fortunately, they didn't change her name.

    BUT it wasn't uncommon for monarchs to change their names.  When Catherine the Great of Russia was young, she was Princess Sophie of Prussia — she changed her name when she converted to Russian Orthodoxy.  Princess Alix of Hesse, granddaughter of Queen Victoria, changed her name to Alexandra when she married Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and converted to Russian Orthodoxy.

    Personally, I wouldn't change my name.  Queen Amelia sounds pretty awesome, don't you think?  Or maybe Queen Amelia Rosalie — I've always liked my middle name...

  5. Dear Camilla can't be queen. Best she can hope for is queen consort. No difference as to life style, of course. It's just that she won't rate the bow of the head that kings and queens get. She'll just get a quick nod, like somebody agreeing with her. But title or not, she'll have to bow to Diana's sons, and the royal princes and Princess Anne the Equine as well. Any big occasion at Buckingham Palace is a chance to get whiplash.  The Royal Chiropractor is always so busy. What a terribly difficult life Camilla leads. And the old woman gave up the Royal Yacht, too. Not fair.

  6. I'm sure there will continue to be speculation, but those interested will have to wait and see - and it promises to be rather a long wait.

    Incidentally, neither Charles nor Camilla will rule, but Charles will reign - if he lives so long.  If the Queen suffers a rapid decline, he may become Prince Regent before eventually becoming king, of course, but that would involve an Act of Parliament, just as it did last time, when George III was declared non compos mentis.

  7. She will never be queen.  She will be queen consort.

  8. Really interesting question -- because, normally the wife of the ruling King is crowned Queen Consort.  

    But, just as with her current title (Duchess of Cornwall instead of Princess of Wales - to which she is entitled to use), Camilla & Charles / royal courtiers? seem to be trying to deflect the public dislike of Camilla by having her utilize a title that is not "real".  I remember it being reported that she will use the style of  "Princess Consort " instead of Queen Consort if and when Charles ascends the throne.  That will be an interesting coronation -- Chalres being crowned but Camilla off in a pew??  At future royal functions - would she use the traditional crowns of previous Queens or just the different royal tiaras??

    Maybe she'll change her name in an attempt to further distance herself from the "3 in this marriage" past?

  9. Camilla will be a consort.She will never reign or rule because she is not in line of succession to the throne."Camilla" is an unusual name but I don't think changing it will change her past or image.She could keep her original name because changing the name will not change history or the views held by her detractors and supporters,

  10. Camilla will never be queen of England.  If she and Charles are still married when/if he ascends the throne, she would be Consort, like Philip who is I believe Prince Consort.  OR, QE II could possibly bypass Charles altogether and designate Wills as her successor.

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