
If Caylee Anthony's father has died, why is his name not being released and where is HIS family?

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If Caylee Anthony's father has died, why is his name not being released and where is HIS family?




  1. dads name is Jesus Ortiz

  2. Casey is lying...again. She told police that Caylee's dad died in a car accident on his way to her second birthday party. Jesus Ortiz (Jessy) did die in a car accident, but not on his way to Caylee's birthday party. Casey's mother told police that Jessy was not involved and had never seen Caylee. I don't think that Caylee looks anything like Jessy and I think he was the easiest person to name as Caylee's father because he passed away. That saved her the embarrassment of telling people that she didn't know who the father could be.  

  3. I believe that there are a number of men who could be the father but the family is claiming he's dead so none of them will step forward.

  4. It has crossed my mind that with all of the secrets and lies and such in this family that perhaps it is Casey's father. What do you think?

  5. That's a very good question,and no one seems to have the answer for that.

  6. I think because no one knows for sure.

    Its all a bunch of lies and miss truths in my opinion.

  7. If you go to Casey Anthnys myspace and go back into her comments from 2006 you will see many of her friends commented about her and Caylee visiting "Daddy" and they they posted about how happy they are for her being engaged to some guy named Jesse. Caseys Mom said Caylee never met her Dad. LIES LIES LIES! The Mother knows SOMETHING! I personally think the brother really knows she is lying and is acting supportive in order to try to get info out of her.

  8. that whole anthony family is wacked out, you can't believe one thing they say, nothing. i doubt if anyone knows who the father of caylee is.

    what a sad story this is.

  9. I'm just curious as to why this mother shows no emotion I am wondering if there may be someone Casey is hiding this little girl from or maybe the Nanny gave a fake name or why in the h**l they are not tracing phone calls to and from this home for the past 6 mos and as for the father maybe being dead i highly doubt that it just seems like to me this whole family is full of secrets and why is she not talking to media then I just heard a new call from jail that was released yesterday july the 30 or 31st and she claims to her brother that she lost her cell phone but still has the sim card HOW IS THAT POSSIABLE I am so confussed on this case either and I want to give mom bennifit of a doubt but again I think either she is hiding the kidto protect her from someone or she killed her this whole case is nuts  

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