
If Cesar Chavez were alive today, how would he feel about illegal immigrants?

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If Cesar Chavez were alive today, how would he feel about illegal immigrants?




  1. Chavez was not crazy about illegals. he wanted to work within the system to help his people.AND,he would have held the Mexican government more accountable for their inaction.

  2. He would feel that they needed to be deported and stopped from entering this country.

  3. Cesar Chavez was not fond of them.   Even the head of NCLR agricultural arm stated illegal immigrants are responsible for the low pay in farming.

  4. The same way he felt about them while he was alive.   He campaigned against them.

  5. Who cares how he might feel-if people are illegal they must be deported immediately-I only care how the majority of Americans feel and they want illegal aliens out of this country right now.

  6. Cesar Chavez was against illegal immigration even though he was pro farm worker. In those days illegals were not like today, here by the millions. Cesar Chavez was a true American and anti illegal

  7. He would feel the same as he ever did!

  8. I have come to bury Cesar, not to praise him.

  9. He would be doing what any person who has any decency is doing--supporting immigration reform, a legal status for the immigrants, and a guest worker program.

    the only people who are against any of that are bigots and the employers who are abusing and exploiting immigrants because as long as they are illegal, the employers can get away with it.

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