
If Cheney and Palin quail hunted together, who would accidentally shoot who first?

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And would either of them apologize?




  1. That has absolutely nothing to do with the election....

  2. I don't think Palin misses what she is shooting at, both literally and figuratively

  3. Dunno but I would like to see Osama oops Obama well either one go on a hunting trip with her.

    Vote McCain not Hussein

  4. It would be a draw.  And neither of them will apologize.  LOL

  5. they both would be shoot by the radical leftist who tried to interrupt McCain's speech yesterday

  6. They would shoot the breeze and have a laugh.

    Palin probably doesn't shoot the buckshot stuff so most likely the guns would not spray and shoot straighter.

    Probably neither, the journalists would shoot them both first cuz a her photogenic smile.

  7. It would be a May/December murder suicide! As long as the quail escapes unharmed, I'm good with it. Duck season! No! Rabbit season!

  8. if palin gets him first she'd make a cheney burger and eat him

  9. Cheney would accidentally shoot himself in the foot first as he tried to look down Palin's t-shirt

  10. One would hope they would both be aiming at Nobama, and I don't think Palin misses very she proved the other night.

    No apologies necessary.

  11. Wouldn't be an

  12. I don't think it would be an accident, but probably Palin.  Nah!  Apologize for what?  Doing the world a favor and getting it over without the costly trial?  Pleeeezzz!!  Shoot, Sara, shoot!!!

  13. not apologizing sounds more like obummer. i am sure given his likability index among the "bitter americans who cling to their guns and religion" there will be more than cheney and palin "accidentally" shooting him.

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