
If China is a democratic country like Hong Kong and Taiwan....?

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If China is a democratic country and Mao Zedong did not exist..

Cultural revolution may not happen and people have the freedom of choosing their own religion..

Tibet may not have riots as democractic government stresses equality and transparency..

Human rights abuse might not occur...

Taiwan joins back China peacefully...

No people will ostracize Beijing Olympics..

Dont u think so? Pls give me your opinions but do not cross the racial discrimination line!




  1. China has a representative semi presidentail democratic system of Government, people over the age of 20 vote

    Tibet and Taiwan are legally part of China  

    would you have preferred that China allow terrorist to bomb the Olympic stadium? As for human rights, I dont know why they dont find an off-shore island to torture and kill people off Chinese soil, isnt that the way its done in NA?

    You have the internet USE IT to do research instead of reading blogs from ignorant uneducated people.

    Falugong is a terrorist group operating inside China who's leader professes to have come from outer space, they burn school and medical facilities, murder people and their intent is to overthrow the Govt and take control.

    Does Waco Texas or the PLQ ring a bell with you?

    The only people I see osctracizing the olympics and China are people who seem to be totally ignorant of human rights violations inside their own countries.

  2. 1. Hong Kong is not country!

    2. Tibet was, is and will be part of China.

    3. KMT losing to CCP is a destinty.

    4. Western suck still invade us.

    5. Nothing call Taiwan join back China. KMT lost the civil war in 1949 and fleed to Taiwan.

    6. Korean, Japanese, Westerners, Indian are still jealous of us.

  3. the human rights rubbish again. that's utter rubbish. the human rights things existed decades ago, during the time when mao zedong was still alive. but i personally think that the current governors of china are really good! they're strict yet fair, and they do care about the people. in the run up to the olypmics and during the event itself , the west has been trying to 'pull bones out of an egg' and trying to discredit china for the lamest reasons in the world.

    fake fireworks? lip synching? come on, what matters is that they gave everyone a great performance!

    it's so obvious that everybody is just trying to find every possible reason to turn the world against china. i've laways thought the world powers are kind of ignorant. it's so obvious.  

  4. That's nonsense.

    It's like saying if the Red Coats won the American Revolution war then U.S.A. will not exist (maybe) but will they always be in under Great Britain's control? I doubt it. There would probably be another war against the British. Who knows?

    What would Zimbabwe be like without their national hero Robert Mugabe? and look what their national hero turned into.

    Western countries invaded China hundred years ago and destroyed China for a period of time. They could careless about what happen to China now that China is coming back with a fast pasted economy expansion. All of sudden the attention from the West is back on China again, and they're doing their little nit picking on the Chinese like bunch little kids. Why should Chinese feel like they should surrender to the western culture again this time?

    You're speaking idealistically about a very controversial topic.  

  5. Democracy will never happen in China. It will never work. It might work in Shanghai or Beijing but other parts...not a chance.

  6. Here are my answers to your question:

    China will not be the same and it may still be backwards as second world nation.

    Chinese People will have more freedom and the Christian may have more say in the country.

    Tibet will still be Tibet and may not have riots as first cause they have nice stability and prosper economy as a part of China and may not think of going independent from China.

    Yes or no, it still depends.

    Taiwan will not want to join back cause they like to be status quo rather than being a part of China.

    If China does something wrong, it will still be ostracize by the rest of the world no matter what. So see what does the China does first, before anything else happens.

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