
If Christianity is true ?

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Shouldn't Christians get more punished than atheists?

Atheist excuse for sinning is they didn't think the rules were real.

Christian excuse for sinning is they thought Jesus would take the blame for them.

It's not like they're sorry for their sins, they're still sinning now.

So atheists should be forgiven because they didn't know they were doing anything wrong and Christians should be punished because they still sin after they've said they're sorry.

I think lying to Jesus should be a bigger sin than not knowing the rules .




  1. If Batman is true should the Joker be punished?

  2. Christianity is true but only true Christianity.

  3. The Bible teaches that the more you know, then more is expected. It does not specify any religion, just the more you know. I have seen atheists who knew more about Christianity than most Christians.

  4. Amen Rebecca!

  5. The joker must die! Your avatar has a Caterpillar on his face

  6. Bravo!!

    I like your toupee.

  7. Excuse me but you're seriously confused here. Christians, real Christians, try not to sin. They don't think that it's okay to sin because Jesus paid the price. Granted, we don't always succeed in not sinning, and then we need to seek forgiveness and try harder, but it is NOT acceptable in the Christian belief system to simply choose to sin and expect to be forgiven.

  8. I say punish the joker.

  9. I'm sorry but your logic is very poor and shows a severe lack of understanding of Christian theology

  10. Atheists are ignoring their conscience as are Christians. As well Christians are told to sin no more.

  11. You are right, It is to those who have received divine grace, to live a life of purity and obedience to God. If we sin we ask forgiveness and it is forgiven if we believe that Jesus payed the price in his Blood.

    But you are more deserving of mercy than we as you did not know this truth.

    St Faustina spoke of this, Jesus himself revealed it to her, Saying the greater the sinner the more right he has to mercy.

    It is hard to find true Christians on this forum.

  12. First, I believe that Christianity is 100% real.

    Second, only God can judge sinners. I'm a sinner as well and I do my best not to judge other people...whether they are Christian or not. As Jesus said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

    But you do bring a good point, personally I believe that God will probably punish those who sin in knowledge more then those who sin without knowledge. However, I truly do not know unless I die and then see what happens.

    There is an old Orthodox prayer that asks God to "please forgive my transgressions, both voluntarily and involuntarily."

    And to those that thinks that our sins are forgiven simply because Jesus died for them are sadly mistaken. Jesus died for the sins of mankind......2000 years ago. He gave us a clean slate to start over again. He commanded us to repent, to fast, to take part of the Eucharist for salvation, not just simply stating that you believe in Jesus. Ok, now you have said that you believe in Christ and you accepted him into your heart...but what are you going to do to show him that what you say is true? He left us many commandments to follow.

    Lastly, just because Jesus died on the cross for our (mankind's) sins, does not give us the right as individuals to sin on a daily basis without repentence.

  13. All of our sins are forgiven already. No one is no more or less than anyone else. Neither is sin any more severe than any other. We ask forgiveness so we can start over where the relationship with God was right. Its what its all about man.

  14. If 'christianity' were the slightest bit true, 'christians' would behave themselves. Most 'christians' I know are the kind wo enjoy their bad behavior and then pray all over themselves for forgiveness. They behave like savages, and still believe they can pray their way into 'heaven'. They AREN'T MY role models.

  15. The difference is that we are forgiven.  God knows that although we are Christians we are still human and therefore will still sin. So no we should not be punished more than the Atheists because they have chosen not to accept God's gift.

  16. A lot of christians use religion as their personal crutch. So by sinning they always assume a few prayers and everything will be fine again, apart from the arrogance and hypocrisy.

  17. I think you just made a few too many assumptions.

  18. No, your theory is all wet.  Atheists do not believe in the concept of sin in the first place.  That is a  Christian thing.  They will not ask any religious deity or icon to forgive them, nor will they say they are sorry.  

    Atheists observe the rules of the law and modern society.  Being educated, law-abiding citizens they will have no qualms about doing the same thing again and again, as long as they think it is proper.

    They do not lie to Jesus or any other deity, simply because they don't believe in them.

  19. actually it will be the false christians that get punished more than atheist. there is a difference.

    jesus says all sins are forgiven.

    i think even muslims can be considered believers in christ. but on a different level.

    muslims say that Nazarenes are better than those

  20. Your partly right, sad really that an aetheist seems to know more about Christianity than the 'christians' on here. If we sin against God and know that we are doing so then we are worse than those who do not believe, however the difference is we are Sons of God, and when we repent of the sin we will be forgiven, as would you be if you turn to God with your whole heart for God appears to be using you at the moment to shame His followers.

  21. Is this a serious question?

    Atheists do not sin. Its a given that if you have no faith in religion (*1), you are not bound to the directives of such. Therefore, atheists cannot sin in the way you suggest.

    This does not mean that an atheist has no moral stance or does not know what is acceptable in society as right or wrong. It does not make atheists bad people.

    As for Christians deliberately sinning and expecting this to be allowed as Jesus died for their sins, that is a sign of a bad christian.

    I particularly dislike 'Sunday Christians' - knowingly sin all week then go to church to be forgiven then sin again all next week,  then expect others to not notice or comment. They give Christianity a bad name.

    Finally, punishment for sins, from an all loving god. Strange that! But not as strange as an omnipotent and supposedly all loving being that allows the sin in the first place!

    *1 An atheist (*2) can believe in religion. I have many christian friends and I believe that their religious belief and faith is true - for them. I just do not believe in the existence of any god or Deity otherwise.

    *2 Atheism, as an explicit position, can be either the affirmation of the nonexistence of gods,[1] or the rejection of theism.[2]

    Edited for spelling

  22. i would suggest that you look at all of what the bible says before you criticize the christians. yes it is a sin what christians do but all sins are equal in the sight of God. there is would be no difference between the punishment. but the thing that you are overlooking is the fact that atheist deny the very existence of God where Christians not only acknowledge God but try to follow his commandments.  

  23. No one can be perfect, there was only one man who ever managed that. The only person who is worthy of deciding who should be punished is him, and he is just. Being a Christian doesn't give you a superhuman ability not to sin - it's still hard, and we do make mistakes. At least we can acknowledge them and receive forgiveness for them.

  24. everybody sins,christians don't have an "excuse" to sin as it's in our dna make up to err,as a christian,we try our best to resist temptation,but you do realise we are human and human beings do make mistakes,when we do sin,we repent and try not to make the same mistakes again,but we are not God and that is why we are not perfect and do repeat sin

  25. The Bible describes sin as just as despicable to God, no matter what act is committed. Meaning there is no sin that is worse than another.

    These people you see all around who call themselves Christians, yet they sin, are not true believers in Christ. Jesus said only the people who keep His commandments truly love him, and today's "Christian" doesn't care because they think they can go get forgiveness after they sin.

    These people are hypocrites following their own doctrines so just don't believe them! They aren't true Christians.

    But when you really consider how sin can be forgiven you have to go in depth about how Jesus' death worked. Any person who sins has automatically condemned themselves to death, because "the wages of sin is death" but Jesus stepped up and died instead. It's only because He was completely blameless that He could take all that blame.

    So if an atheist is sorry for sinning, there's no redemption for him unless he accepts the sacrifice that Jesus made for him.

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