
If Christians are sheep following a shepard and Jewish are the lions of Judah, what are Muslims then?

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If Christians are sheep following a shepard and Jewish are the lions of Judah, what are Muslims then?




  1. suicide bombers following the bus full of israelis or planes following the twin towers.

    I cant decide which one I like better.


  2. If 'they' do not accept The Free Gift offered to them as well then 'they' would be the goats.

  3. not sure..

  4. terrorist i guess :)

  5. the monkeys of allah

  6. muslims are sheep too,

    just of a differen fold

    there are sheep which are wolves in sheeps clothing

    there are those that think they are lions but self delusional.

    its not easy following the spirit of God when men are subject to mortal toils.  

  7. Thieves, liars and murderers... exactly like the other

    two groups you mentioned.

  8. The Lion of Judah is Christ.  Christians are bold as a lion.  They must be innocent as doves as wise as serpents.

    The Muslims are descended from Ishmael who was persecuting Isaac, the true heir of Abraham.  The prophecy was that Ishmael and his descendants would be wild people, but 12 princes would come from them.

  9. misguided for they place their trust on a man ---their prophet of whom is a leader of a religion that is based on hate and death to those that do not convert to their religion

    Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, came to save everyone that has sinned (any evil deed) and there is no other one that leads us to life eternal.  

    Hey my God--Jehovah has no other god that stands near Him not even allah

  10. People?

  11. Probably offended by your question.

    Rev. TomCat

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