
If Christians don't want atheists laughing at them why do they say such silly things all the time ? ?

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Hey this is a real question I do see some pretty dumb questions and answers from them . I really do wonder as do all atheists . Like that kid robo who answered this question .;_ylt=AqbYxRDyMAbnIlNbJHgHBAjsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080828085258AAhu6l1&show=7#profile-info-UKPQN0UKaa




  1. They laughed at Noah.  You know, the ark.  We are not surprised at your laughter.  If I felt as you I would probably do the same.  Thank God, I don't.

  2. i think they say such silly things because they were brought up believing a fantasy as truth. They read a book about a man and his boat full of animals. cities and people turning to salt. A 40 year trek through a desert (with no artifacts left behind to show there was actually anyone there) and a dude that walks on water while befriending jezebelles and curing the blind. Believe that and all your fantastic dreams can come true

  3. To get attention, good or bad.

  4. Liz,

    I am not concerned about such things.  I try not to answer questions in a silly manner.  I have my beliefs and everyone else has theirs.  I do not throw rocks at others and I appreciate it when others do not throw rocks at me.  Have a great week.





  5. we will have the last laugh

  6. ROnbo doesn't seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed.

  7. you guys are the blind minority.. who are you to be calling silly, all unbelievers need to examine their own life's and beliefs before they can criticize a Christian

  8. 1) And everything you have ever said always was agreeable to everyone else?

    2) God is not running a popularity contest.

    Jesus made the dealio: take it or leave it.

    I am taking the deal because I want to be in the express line at the Pearly gates.

    Folks with a lot of baggage will take longer.

    Ever thought of lightening your load? You could start right now by not dwelling on another human beings' inability to articulate to "your" standards.

    Our God is an awesome God!

    God love you!

  9. Why are christians so evil, like Don.  "we will have the last laugh"  REally.  So if it turns out to be true, and literally BILLIONS of people will be tortured for eternity, including some of your friends, neighbors, family members, etc, you'll think that is funny?  What is wrong with you people?

  10. They think being told they're wrong is persecution, and persecution proves them right.  We should be able to laugh at peoples beliefs.  Their religion doesn't abate my freedom.  Tell me the world is flat and evolution is a lie made up by tricky scientists, and I'm supposed to keep a straight face?  Tell me your imaginary friend will burn me forever if I don't thank him every night for the opportunity to mess up and be burned forever?  I can't even snicker at it?  what if I told you I had found Jesus and I have him locked in my basement so my faucets poured wine?  Would you take me seriously?  No intelligent person will take people who eschew science seriously in this modern era.  And I am okay with that.

  11. No one wants to be laughed at.  Everyone THINKS they are right.

    The difference here is, the atheists have the scientific proof that they are right.  Christians only have scientific proof that they are not.

  12. What makes you think we want that?  The day you atheists stop laughing at my beliefs is the day I must be doing something wrong.

    I use your laughter as a barometer for how well I'm doing at following God's will.  By all means, please don't stop.

  13. The book of Proverbs says, 'It is better to hold your tongue and be considered a fool than to open your mouth and remove any doubt."  This is one verse in the bible I often wish Christians would meditate upon.

  14. I have no idea what that kid meant.  

  15. Face it, they are too stupid to even recognize that they are stupid.

  16. ahteist like to point out christians are stupid. but for the general part i think atheist are very good people and smart. it is there are being deceived in a lie. if you don't believe in the lord how else would you think someone would respond.

  17. I was actually more amused by Goethe's answer:

    "The odder thing is that Darwinists continue to tweak the theory to fit their mindsets. Your posited question may mean that Creationists are a little more open minded, in general, than the scientologists under Darwin's flag."

    Isn't that pretty much the definition of science? Continuing to change what we know as more knowledge comes in? And how does one equate a refusal to change when new information becomes available with open-mindedness?

    But I guess they just can't help but prove over and over how little they understand reality.  

  18. Its disrespectful to laugh at others beliefs. You dont have to agree with them, buy why not just leave it at that. This goes to both Christians and Atheists. If you dont agree, just let bygones be bygones. There is no benefit to disrespecting your fellow person, it actually shines negativly on yourself when you done.

  19. This is the very reason why I frequent this forum.  It never leaves me short of laughter.  It is funny seeing how brainwashed people react when answering a question which requires thinking outside the book.

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