
If Christians evolved from Jews, why are there still Jews?

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If Christians evolved from Jews, why are there still Jews?




  1. Hello,

    A simple answer. Many Jews thought that Christ did not fulfil some of the prophecies the Messiah was supposed to achieve so they stayed within their religious - political environment which was stable for them. Some others, seeing a religious environmental change, liked it, mutated if you will, embraced it and branched off in other directions on their own.


    Michael Kelly

  2. Not all Jews accept Y'Shua HaMaschiach

  3. Can I get away with the 'Common Ancestor' reply?  Probably not.

  4. I award you 4.99 out of 5 lols for this one!

    If laptops evolved out of desktops why are there still desktops?

    If motorbikes evolved out of bicycles why are there still bicycles?

    Etc Etc Etc...

    You'd think they'd just read about it, just once, to answer their question rather than spamming it here constantly. I awarded you star for this.

  5. Wow.. finally evolutionists have become helpless. Now they understand the reality. Humans are evolved from humans. Monkeys are evolved from monkeys. Run off with your nonsense theory. The future generation will stone you to death for misleading them.

  6. And if Mormons evolved from Christians why are there still Christians?

  7. Christianity evolved from Judaism in combination with paganism and the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians.  

    Christians evolving for Jews, however:  total nonsense.

  8. In a sense you are correct, Christians did evolve from Jews.  There are still Jews because they don't believe Christ was the son of God.  They are still waiting for their Messiah.

  9. Why are there still Jews?  Because St. Augustine in the 4th Century decreed that Christians should "let them (Jews) survive, but NOT thrive."

    Or perhaps it's because of our *eternal* Covenant with God.  You can read it in the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh).



  10. evolved?  Like gained spritual wings or something?

  11. Brilliant. I must remember that one. Gave you a star!

    Edit: I gather that some answerers haven't grasped the allusion to a popular creationist drone.

    Nice one, Jacko!

  12. Christians didn't evolve from Jews just like man did not evolve from apes

  13. Christians are mostly made up of Gentiles...

  14. And are Muslims a related species? Could they interbreed?

  15. I prefer to think of them as having graduated.

  16. Evolved? Don't you mean Devolved?

    Judaism is of a higher caste than Christianity. It does not seek to repress to the extent of Christian doctrine.

  17. And, it's only 9am.  Is our R&S day going to get any better?


  18. That is not evolution, your statement is based on a  wrong assumption.

  19. If I interbred a jew and a muslim would I get some jizlam

  20. no you have it all wrong! They share the same common ancestor lol. But dude nice question lol.

  21. Because Jews didn't think Jesus was their saviour.

  22. *sigh*

    Because we Jews have this irritating habit of LIKING JUDAISM.

    And oh yes, there's this tiny thing called an ETERNAL COVENANT WITH G-D.

    edit to frog e

    No, it really didn't.


    Get a grip. Is Islam a 'sect of Christianity'? No? Same logic to Judaism. Christianity is NOT 'a sect of judaism'.  Utter drivel.

  23. Judaism had been abrogated by Christianity which has been abrogated by Islam,,

  24. because Xtains are still evolving ? because Xtains are false ? because Xtains are just another sect of Judaism.

  25. "If Christians evolved from Jews"

    You failed to mention Christianity also 'evolved' from Paganism and Paul.

    * Cough * Mythrasim * Cough *

    Many Theories* on the subject.. but the two that hold any credibility are:

    1.'Christians from Paganism' ("Sol Invictus", 'Christmas', 'Easter', 'Halloween'... Lets Get Some converts!? ; )

    "Christians copied Pagans: This is perhaps the most obvious theory. Celsus was a Platonist and polemical writer against Christianity who lived in the late 2nd century CE  According to Freke & Gandy, he "complained that this recent religion [of Christianity} was only a pale reflection" of Pagan belief."

    2. 'Christianity & Paganism both taking from each others respective beliefs.'

  26. GOOOD point!  I'd now say that the atheists are in the lead against the christians ..... wait a sec, they always were in the lead, nevermind.

    Agh, I still think the Pagans have it completely right though =)  Evolution and the pie in the sky :P

  27. Because not all Jews converted to Christianity

  28. The fact remains that there is one True God of the Bible and if all religions agree on this, then we should all be doing the same thing.  We should be honoring the 8 Holy Days, as the Jews do.  I know I do.

  29. Damnit you stole my idea!!!!  

  30. For the same reason there are many species of bear.

  31. If humans evolved from apes, how come apes still exist?

    If a tree,comes from an apple, how come the tree still exists?

    If you come from your mother, how come she still exists?

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