
If Columbus was so important, how come we don't live in the United States of Columbus??

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  1. i read that the guy who drew the first map of america signed it with his name " Amerigo Vespucci?" and it was mistaken for the name of the place ♥

  2. Because Columbus discovered Hispaniola (current day location of Haiti). Amerigo Vespucci discovered the mainland. This is why it is called "America".

  3. He named it after a friend of his "America"

  4. Columbus was hardly important at all. He didn't truly discover the American continent, only landed in some outlying islands.   It was the cartographer Amerigo Vespucci who truly established the existence of the American continent, hence the name, America (Amerigo.) Columbus was simply a man who lost his way and ended up in what he thought were the West Indies but was actually the Carribbean. He turned out to be a tyrant when he was later appointed governor of the area and let his men slaughter and torture natives by the score. He ended up being arrested and died of syphilis or some other unpleasant disease. Who'd really want to be named after a murdering dictator of a man?

  5. What's your point then?? Is it that Americo Vespuccio is a more relevant historic figure than C.C ??

    Sorry to tell you, but this "question" is really stupid.

  6. We are named after by accident the Italian mapmaker Amerigo Vespucci

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