
If Crosby broke a tooth, would he still be s**y?

by  |  earlier

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Howler pointed out that breaking a tooth is real s**y? So what would happen if Crosby lost one of his prechois teeth... I think Gonchar would be the nexty s**y beast! lol

(Joke Question)




  1. yes

  2. he could have no teeth and still be s**y, as long as he kept his rat stash. can u imagine that. a big smile of all gums, and a little rat stash? Perfection.

  3. he already did

    Hatcher broke his 2 front teeth back in 2005/06

    but he has INSURANCE,  hence he had them fixed!


  4. STILL be s**y?

    To answer your question-

    He's not s**y to begin with so losing a tooth wouldn't help him much..Now Ovie is a catch.

  5. He would only have half of his buckteeth.  That would give him an excuse to fix them ;-)

  6. umm...he'd still be georgeous!!!!!!!!!! omg love him to death!!

  7. He isn't s**y to begin with.

  8. Of course he would, I mean, look at this hottie!!

  9. Only if you find crystal meth heads in a trailer park s**y!!

  10. ...and a stupid question-------------

  11. I think it'll be harder to differentiate between him and Brian Murray if that happened.

  12. Crosby would look like a chipmunk. I don't find him s**y, then again I'm not a 15 yr old puckbunny on school summer break living with Mommy and Daddy in a well-off suburb

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