
If Curlin had a different trainer, would he be going for the Triple Crown this Saturday?

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If Curlin had a different trainer, would he be going for the Triple Crown this Saturday?




  1. As Debby R said, Curlin's inexperience in the Derby was what most likely compromised his performance.  The Derby is a race where experience counts, and counts big.  

    What you have to remember is that Steve Assmussen only got the horse to train after the partnership that now owns him bought him following his maiden win the first week of February.  So Assmussen didn't have a lot of time to get to know the horse and then plot out a campaign that included the Derby.  The partnership that bought the horse bought him specifically with a Derby start in mind, so Assmussen had to scramble to get the horse ready, then hope and pray that he'd run his best race in the Derby.  Well, I don't think Curlin got the chance to run his best race in the Derby, but I think Steve Assmussen and his barn did a heck of a job having the horse as ready as they did, considering how short on time they were to prepare him.

    The Derby is a magic race, sure.  It's legend, it's the one race you'd want to win if you could only win one stakes race in your life, it's bragging rights for eternity.  But in the cold hard world of campaigning a horse for a championship and maximizing his value at stud, it isn't the be-all and end-all.  If Curlin wins the Belmont and then wins the Travers Stakes in August at Saratoga, and then goes on to take the Breeder's Cup Classic against older horses in the fall, he'll win Horse of the Year and his value at stud will be at maximum.  Street Sense and the Derby will be considered flukes.

    FWIW, while being a Triple Crown winner has a cachet to it that's undeniable, the Triple Crown is only a made-up series of races.  Who is to say that winning the Preakness, Belmont, and Travers isn't just as special?  

    I think Steve Assmussen has done a heck of a job with Curlin so far.  Now let's see if he can keep it up.

  2. His third in the Derby had more to do with the size of the field and his inexperience than his trainer.  He has a very good trainer.

  3. I don't think so street sense was so far in front he never would have caught him in the derby, and in the second leg I think he won only because it is a shorter tract and street sense jockey was not paying attention or he would have won that race to,we will never know who is the best of the 2 because street sense is not running this last race,  i don't know if curlin is or not.

  4. ok first Curlin is not going for the Triple Crown, he is going to try to get 2 jewls of the Crown, he got 3rd in the Derby not 1st

    anyways, i think if Curlin did have a diff trainer, he would be just as good, who knows, maybe even better! (prob not)

    but Curlin is just a natural great race horse, even if he had the suckyest trainer in the world. he would still prob be the same because he is just naturally very tallented

    i should know this, i've been his fan ever sense the Rebel and he's my big boy! and i can't wait till the Belmont!


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