
If Current Events was a chatroom, what would you chat about?

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If Current Events was a chatroom, what would you chat about?




  1. That poor sod from Glasgow who potyentaiily end up in a US jail.  Bet he never touches a computer again.

  2. What went wrong with all the children out there?

    What can we do to help them to solve their misery?

    What good is it when we keep on talking about the dead Mummy all day long?

    What has the dead Mummy from the graveyards of different community has got to do with other tribes of different community?

    Why not find out how did the dead Mummy kick the butts of all the children out there?

    Who were those gravediggers?

    In executive suits with tie on?

    Why did they keep on shaking and waking up the dead Mummy?

    Who was dead and buried was long gone with time?

    What can the dead Mummy do for the living?

    Which is the Book of the Living?

    Which is the Book of the Dead?

    Where does religion fit in all these?

    Why not let the dead Mummy rest in peace?

    With their Book of the dead?

    Why hit the children on the head with the Book of the Dead?

    Why not give children the Book of the Living?

    Matt 22.17-21

    If the Book of the Dead were so successful?

    Then why the children were all living in misery like cave-men from the twilight zone in different time zone?

    Who were the bunch of educated idiots with self lack of knowledge?

    Who hit the children on the head with the Book of the Dead until they live in misery with total loss of IQ?

    Why kick them on the butts in getting them all in climbing up the coconut trees and still look green with loss sense of direction and purpose of life?

    When they were our own children?

    Is that what all the cheap-skate glory and success of National Identity  were all about?

    Cheap-skate glory and success in idol worshiping the Dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past as glory and success of past glorious civilization?

    In kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God?

    In making a monkey out of our own children with self lack of knowledge?

    Look in the real world at all the mess out there?

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  3. Current events silly.

  4. Probably about current events.

  5. söhne mannheims gig =)

  6. is it not already a chatroom!!!!the only thing missing is smiley icons.

  7. I would probably ask why current events is the only place where I receive a violation notice>If you have ever read any of my answers, you would see that they are quite low key compared to most of the answers in this forum. It seems I have enemies in low places.

  8. LOL What do you mean 'if', I thought it was!  :-)

    I like Katie's suggestion, lets have some smilies.

  9. I dunno.Never thought about it :)

    I is fine Stormy,,hope you and yours are well :)

  10. incest and pics nao

  11. Cat rights in Saudi Arabia of course.

  12. Any old rubbish.

  13. Fluffy kittens, make-up that sort of stuff.

  14. If it was, which it most certainly isn't, I'd do stuff like say hi to all my mates, and ask what they've been up to lately.

    How are you Steph? Whats happening?

    Hi up there Busy x*x

  15. I don't chat! I find your question offensive!

    I have never chatted a day in my life!!!

    How dare you insuate such a thing!!!


  16. I would like to debate current events with sprinkling of humour and a flavour of flirting.

    Either that or just 'stuff'.

  17. chatting is against the rule aint it,

    i never chat.

  18. I don't know, it's boring when you're allowed to do it, lol!


  20. Nothing. I'd just look at people acting like idiots and LMAO.

  21. i'd chat UP you, not about you.

  22. The mystery wind up merchant who is a celebrity. I am now really wanting to know the answer to that question. I have an idea but don't want to sound more foolish than normal. could it be Jeremy Clarkson?

  23. current events

  24. Current events, with a small fraction of humour, occasionally.

    It would be good to learn more from our world & have intelligent Q's & A's.

    We can chat on other systems.

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