
If Cyprus never achieves the reunification, so why Greece and Turkey don't unify with their respective part ?

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Why doesn't Greece decide to officially integrate South Cyprus in its territory ?

Why doesn't Turkey decide to officially integrate North Cyprus to its territory.

Everyone can give his opinion, but I will report anyone who insults or doesn't respect the other part ?...

PS : I think it's wise to mention that I am not Turkish, but Assyro-Chaldean born in Mardin,Turkey...I was naturalized Belgian, and I share my living between Belgium,France and Luxembourg.




  1. Maurice for all out siders it seems so simple for a soulution..even i have to admit thought why cant we intergate..but please bare with i was growing up i could understand more and more as to why this can never happen....what iam about to tell you as an exmaple for you do understand..with out insultign you or you family..i assuming your married with at least one kid and a house...So this is what is its like between greeks and turks.IMAGINE  me comming in to your house.. rapeing you wife.while you watched. then taking all your valuable possesion..then telling you that your child now belongs to me and it will be worshiping the same relegion as i do and will be the same nationality as iam and will serve me and my country men as a slave.never to have any freedom or property ..but i will feed it cloth it and educate it..and on top of this your house is mine now and you will pay me taxes for living in my may pray to your god you may sell your goods in the markets  at a very low will charge a very low rate for your services  you may never own a house or property or a horse .you may have one may never board a may travel by ship  with writting permission of your bey(boss) to be carried with you at all times durign your journey and return other wise you will be excuted as a spy. all that plus you must speak my laungage only....NOW multiply that by 400 years every generation... IN other words you just breath to serve me....THAT IS WHAT THE TURK did to GREEKS,CYPRIOTS.SERBS,ALBANIANS,BULGARIA... KURDS...and they tried to to do it to the ARABS as you still think after all that we can't JUST SIMPLY INTERGATE...  Maurice the stain on the oppresed hearts will never wash off..and it STILL HURTS so IN ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION WE WILL NEVER  INTERGRATE..let alone entertain the idea...please accept my apologies  for using your family as an example...i do hope you can understand why we cant intergrate with the turks now.

  2. I'm sure Cyprus will reunify soon...

    By the way, your question might look like a bit disturbing...

    If you ask my opinion, I think that you may actually unvoluntarily upset people of both nations here by putting the debate on the table...

  3. I will answer your question with numbers:

    1. Greekcypriots are the 80% of the population in Cyprus and the TurkishCypriots are the 18%. (the other 2% are Latins, Maronites etc)

    2. When Turkey invased in Cyprus took the 38% of the island. The occupation  has been declared as illegal by the UN, USA, EU and by the International Court.

    3. According to official countings the properties that the  Greeks left in the North are 6 times more than those the Turks left in the South.

    Imagine something like this happening in Belgium, France or Luxembourg where you share your living ...

  4. It is not just a question of Greece and Turkey "deciding" what to do with Cyprus. Where are the Cypriots in your question? They should be able to decide about their future, right?

  5. what about the 200.000 refugees and their stolen properties?

  6. religion , as usual , is responsible

  7. Maurice,no offence but you should try to ask the Cypriots for that and not Greeks neither Turks.

    After all, the Republic of Cyprus ,is an indepentent country which enjoys every benefits,its a rich country,is in EU ,its economy is high,so why to go now into unification with Greece?

    I think that this question should be target to the Cypriots because they have to decide about their future and not us.

    my opinion,want or not the unification with Greece,is not important..

  8. There is nothing wrong with your question. Foreigners had ask me before "why don't we just unite with Greece?". I will answer both your questions straight and as simple as I can.

    Why doesn't Greece decide to officially integrate South Cyprus in its territory?

    The Republic of Cyprus is ruled by the Cypriots, not by Greece. It has been like that always. Your question can be "Why Greece and Cyprus don't unite?"

    Because if we do that, we will destroy the international agreements which created the Republic of Cyprus. If we destroy those agreements we will no longer be the legal owners of Northern Cyprus (which is under Turkish Occupation).

    Today there is only one internationally recognized state in Cyprus and it's the Republic of Cyprus which includes, the occupied by Turks, north.

    I think it's simple enough to understand it. Please ask anything more you would like to know. cpinatsi gave you some very good reasons also in your question in the Turkey section.

    Now to the second question.

    Why doesn't Turkey decide to officially integrate North Cyprus to its territory?

    Turkey can do that since it occupies the north part by force but no other country will accept it because it's against the international law to take another country's land by force. Also Turkey for the last 30 years is trying to deceive everybody that its army is there for security and the problem is between Turkish and Greek Cypriots. If they annex the northern part it will be like admitting their crimes.

    Of course Turkey has already admitted some how that the Turkish Republic is responsible for everything that's going on in the north and the so called "TRNC". Recently the European Court of Human Rights have found Turkey guilty for the occupation of the property of a Greek Cypriot and Turkey paid for this occupation. Now many more refugees have cases against Turkey.

    I hope it's clear for you now because I noticed many Turkish users giving you irrelevant answers.

    Edit: The sittuation with the Greek and Turkish Cypriot refugees is not the same. The Turkish Cypriots are a minority of 18% and they had 9% of the land. Today the Turks in the north have 37% of the land.

    Also, they destroy everything Greek there, even the graveyards, the churches and antiquities 3000 years old. The changed the names of places and towns. They bring settlers from Turkey to change the population of Cyprus.

    Nothing like that is happening in the south and imagine that the Turkish Cypriots are still consider citizens of the Republic of Cyprus and they have more benefits than the Greek Cypriots because our goverment is trying to help them. Many of them are coming every day to the free part to work. The Turkish Cypriots are taking too much from a country that they did nothing for.

  9. First i believe and hope with all my heart that the island will reunify. In a sense i don't even want to think about what if it does not, as you know the talks are under way and they are positive.

    As for the ugly what if not, and why no assimilate each part... easy, it is because of Turkey. Just like Usa although they never had a war with the Soviets they try to weaken Russia in every chance they get, so does Turkey. What i mean Turkey prefers a weaker Greece, meaning she prefers the island to reunify than even a inch of it goes to Greece.

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