
If Dale Earnhardt Jrs fans really think he is his own man- why do so many of them call him JR?

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Shouldnt they call him DALE since he is his own man. I would hate to go through life being called Jr




  1. Probably because that's part of his name. Or did you not catch that when you typed Dale Earnhardt Jr. So next time think it through before you type such a stupid question.

  2. Dale was his Daddy, he's a Jr and most of the time, that's what the sons named after their father go by.

  3. Why are people being so mean with their answers to this question..? Yes, his name is Dale Earnhardt Jr, but the name "Junior" seems to be degrading to me. Like you're a little kid, that hasn't reached maturity yet. Much like many of the people that have answered this question. I personally would hate to be called junior, I would feel as if it was holding me back from my potential, because I would always be just that, the junior. Nothing more, only less.

  4. It's just what people call him. Like Junebug , Dale JR. , or any other nick name he has.

  5. Because Ralphie Boy just doesn't have the same ring to it!

    I mean, they still call Junior Johnson Junior, and he's an old man... he certainly made a name for himself... he doesn't have a problem with it, and neither do I!

  6. Easier to spell, lol

  7. Why does it matter so much to you? His dad's name was Dale and he is named after him so therefore he is called Jr!

  8. It doesn't matter! If I was him I'd rather be called Jr.! :)

    Go Dale Jr.!!!


  9. The better question is whaen he gets married and has a kid and names hime Dale Earnhardt lll does that in turn make hime a SR?

  10. Don't want to sound like a smartas$ but...

    That is what every person named after their Dad is called...

    For example:  John Henry

    He has a son, he names him John Henry Jr

    His dad becomes John Henry Sr

    Two different people with the same exact name with the exception of one being Sr, and one being Jr.

    Hence:  Junior

    Commonly every person with that name situation, are called Junior.  

    With that being said...

    No, he should never be called Dale, Junior said he preferred to be called Junior.  Some use to call him (and still do) "Little D", he said he prefers "Junior".

    Why would you hate going thru life being called Junior?  I happen to know several Juniors.  

    Someone could say the same thing about your name.  Maybe someone would hate going thru life with your name.

  11. Will, Some people just want to be called Jr. If I was him I would rather be called Jr. to.

  12. That is just what people call people who are jrs.... ken griffey jr ... same way ... alot of people go by jr

  13. If my dad was that cool I'd want to be called Jr. too!!

  14. Why not call him Jr? His daddy did.

  15. There is only one Dale Earnhardt! There is no one that watches NASCAR that will ever call him Dale. He is a very good driver but nobody compares to Dale Sr and nobody deserves to be called Dale Earnhardt but him.

  16. LMAO.........This is one of the most ridiculous questions to date!!

    Ralph, Dale, Dale Jr., Jr., Junebug, Little E, what difference does it make? Your name doesn't make you who you are.

    It's what's on the inside that counts.

  17. Since he is never going to be a shadow of his father, Jr sounds better  Boy 2

  18. I think they call him Jr to make a distinction between his dad

    and he. But, I agree , he should just be called Dale.

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