
If Dale Jr. became Obama's Vice President?

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Don't you think it would help Obama get more votes in the south from Jr. Nation, it could be a very good strategic move and maybe Jr. can still drive while being VP. What do you think?




  1. good idea I want obama to win anyway and im from delaware (wich is not in the south and north of D.C

  2. Barack Obama might announce his running mate as early as tomorrow morning. Since Dover “prevention coordinator” Dana Mitchell would frown on us playing a drinking game around the selection, let’s have a safe and sober guessing game instead. You be the first person to correctly guess Obama’s running mate, and I’ll give you a free book or a two-week subscription to the Union Leader. What more could you want, really? So, fire away, and good luck.

    So that I don’t slant the contest, I won’t guess his choice. I will instead offer my suggestions for his consideration. To my mind, Obama’s top three VP choices would be:

    1. Clint Eastwood. Yes, my pick for John McCain’s running mate is also my pick for Barack Obama’s running mate. Eastwood is a libertarian-leaning Republican, so the odds of him joining the New New Deal Obama team are slim to none. But he still would be the best choice for a green, over-intellectual candidate who, as the man himself says, doesn’t look like all those other presidents on the currency. He gives Obama instant tough-guy cred, which Obama desperately needs. Squiggy is more macho than Obama. Eastwood could debate McCain and McCain’s running mate at the same time and still win.

    2. Bill Gates. Nothing would say “fix Washington” better than choosing as your running mate the man who became a household name by changing the lives of every single person on the planet who doesn’t live in a jungle. Obama-Gates would show that Obama means business when he talks about changing the culture in Washington and making it work for the people. Gates is nothing if not competent at finding solutions to people’s problems. Yeah, the Moveon crowd would probably prefer Steve Jobs, but Obama doesn’t need to get too anti-establishment with his pick. And standing beside Bill Gates, Obama would look like Will Smith next to Jeff Goldblum in Independence Day.

    3. Dale Earnhardt Jr. OK, so Dale Earnhardt Jr. is a Republican. But Obama ought to at least ask. Dale Jr. famously took his whole crew to see Fahrenheit 9/11 because, he said, he was interested in hearing the other side. That’s the kind of bipartisanship Obama claims to support, despite his hyper-liberal voting record. An Obama-Junior ticket would instantly make millions of working-class men comfortable with Obama, possibly giving him the presidency. Of course, Junior has his downsides. He isn’t married, and he has said the reason he’s bad at dating is because women demand too much control once the relationship reaches a certain point, and he insists on being “the boss.” If that gets out, there goes some of the female vote. But Hillary probably will take that with her in an underhanded attempt to sabotage Obama and set herself up for 2012 anyway, so it might not be a big factor.

    I am not aware of a single current NASCAR driver who is a Democrat. Former champ Junior Johnson gave Hillary Clinton $2,300 and co-hosted a fundraiser for a Democratic candidate for governor of North Carolina, but how many people will remember him? Plus, he is a former moonshiner, and breaking the law doesn’t look good on a VP candidate’s resume. Dale Jr. is a bad guy/good guy, and something of a crossover star, with appeal beyond NASCAR. Dale Jr. could help Obama win Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Missouri, giving him the White House. And he could double as Obama’s driver, making sure that he’s not late to an event ever again.

  3. i think that he is to quiet and not fit for public speaking.  I must say it would be nice to have a nascar driver as a VP.  

  4. You got to be kidding.  As Anne Colter said: "If Democrats had any brains they would be Republicans."

  5. Dale Jr. voted republican last election.  Even so, I don't see him being a very good political figure in general.  He needs to focus on racing since he and his team can't seem to figure things out the past three races.  Decisions made in the past three races have dramatically affected his position in the chase, as well as finishing spots and it's rather frustrating.  This all coming from a fan. . . .

    Maybe after he wins a few championships we can reconsider.

    EDIT - I must also agree with Winter Glory - he often stumbles on his words and seems to struggle to complete sentences. . . not exactly a great public speaker.  I sympathize. . . I can't stand speaking in public and do the same thing.

  6. No. I wouldn't vote for Dale Jr for president. I want to see him race. As for Obama, he can get his votes some other way. Sponsoring one car doesn't buy my vote. Other than that he has no business involving politics with NASCAR. He's never been interested in NASCAR before.

    You have us mistaken for someone who would vote for Bill Clinton.

  7. I think Jr is a republican. Could be "awkward'!

  8. I just can't see Dale Jr. running with a person who is anti white and anti christian..... Maybe McCain will pick him or even Jimmie Johnson. He DID meet with President

  9. Interesting theory, but as Nunya stated Jr.'s a republican.

    And he's not much of a public speaker (no offense intended)

  10. do you have a license to ask stupid questions that would never happen?

  11. LOL, that is an odd question!

  12. although i applaud you for "thinking outside the box," this is a bad idea. all those secret service limos would just get in the way on the track, although i guess they could come in handy for keeping junior's fenders from getting bent out of shape at bristol... and with a constant police escort, wins could come much more frequently!!!


  13. Odd question for sure, but answer is NO, Jr would not waste his time on Obama nor would he even consider it, He is a Nascar Driver and Obama is..oh well..Never mind, i do not mix my Nascar with Politics

    and besides Obama has not attended a race yet campaigning right?? nor should not block my view with the black limousines and the FBI

  14. That's very a intersting question..........  :P

    Yea I think it would help Obama with the votes

    But I'm still hope John M. becomes our president

    and anyway Jr. is a republican

  15. This country will be faster and on its feet.

  16. Bunnie says that it would be 'diverse'   but Bunnies daddy says Junior is a republican so thats impossible.....

    That would be funny if Kyle Busch was president and earnhardt was vice president and Stewart was secretary of defense.

  17. I think I might wonder what the world was coming to. He announced, its Joe Biden from Delaware.

  18. no duh!  

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