
If Dec.21,2012 happens..can the people in Australia call or email us & let us know it happened?

by Guest45171  |  earlier

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How can it happen to them and us (people in the USA) at the same time????




  1. they can always tell us just before it hits what to expect. That way, I can either set up the grill and do some steaks and beer, or take a seat in a lounge chair and watch it come at me.

    edit: as a matter of fact, yes the beagle will be the main course. Beagle steaks are quite tasty, much better than a sheppard. Good old beagle steak, baked potato, salad and some garlic bread really hits the spot.

    edit: in response to what wayne says, I never thought of that but yeah that could happen, so I think I will book a two week wacation to Austrailia starting 12/18/2012, that way I have time to get there and get into my rented RV and head for the interrior. The tidal wave thing ya know.

  2. Well yes December 21st will come here first, before ill let you know if the our end of the world ends first..LOL

    Edit..actually if it ends here first i wont be around to tell you...youll just have to wait and see.... Nuff...are you going to cook up the beagle..LOL, its only 9am here and ive got tears coming out of my eyes from laughing so much...

  3. There are a lot of other dates too in the future and in the past when the world is supposed to cease. None of them has yet occurred I think....., but wait a moment Ahhhhhhhh.

  4. wow, i like Mr. Nice Guy`s answer! i follow!

  5. Let us know if WHAT happened?

    A certain date?

    Big deal, why would you need to know that?

  6. I'd love to help but I'm afraid I won't be able to use my computer after I am annihilated.

    (Not that I actually believe I will be.)

  7. I think we will feel the disturbance in the force. Of course it might just be the earth quakes we feel.


  8. So what exactly is your misinformed opinion of why the world will end on that date?

    Is it the Mayan calendar thing?

    This is simply the end of that cycle so it can begin again. It is just like what we do every year. We even celebrate it like it is some bazaar event each year.

    How about Polar reversal?

    This has happened before and will happen again. It is a natural occurring event. It does take a few thousand years for this to actually occur. It does not happen over-night.

    The Sun will align with the centre of galaxy?

    Wow that is a ripper! The sun is always aligned with the centre of the galaxy!! Think about it. Our solar system is in a continuous orbit around the centre of our galaxy. So therefore it is a matter of fact that we are aligned with it always.

    Now for my favorite of these: Planet X!

    ROFL - Some people have this crazy notion that a Planet X is headed our way and will come crashing into Earth on or about that date! Simple answer here - No!! If there was indeed this mysterious Planet X, we would know about it. Even in average astronomical equipment used by amateurs, it would be clearly visible and its path well known and documented.

    Please do not take your information from any T.V. show. Even the news cannot be trusted and are only interested in sensationalism.

    However, lets just pretend for a moment that the world will end on this date. How will I send you an email if I am dead and our communications systems have been destroyed?

    Also if it was to happen, it is a world ending event. Therefore you will already know about it - or not because you too will be dead.

  9. LOL this is the best question i have ever read on here.

  10. Since their world will have ended.They won't be able to call on the phone or tell us on the Internet.I recommend we all get Ouija's or some other spirit contacting device.Since we're goners anyway,we can Ouija safely.That way our ghostly friends from down under can prepare us for the end.

  11. Well if the world flips sideways and sends what use to be the northern hemisphere to the dark side and the southern hemisphere to the light side.Instead of the equator spinning from left to right it will be spinning from top to bottom.Well australia will proberly be the best place to be as it will have light all the time and become very hot like 50 dregree hot.Unfortunatly i cannot say the same for the northern hemisphere.They will be place permanently in the dark with the adverage tempreture around - 50 dregrees cold.So australia will become the only world power left to help the people of the northern hemisphere migrate to australia.

  12. There is nothing I can say to better explain what THE ONE (above me) said. She is right about everything. Polar caps, Earth's wobble, it is all normal. Maybe you should take a geology class instead of having blind faith in what the Mayans predicted. A barbaric civilization that we have greatly advanced technologically. Oh and what does Australia have to do with it?

  13. Dear friend,

    This is interesting question but would like to answer that now since the beginning of the Universe it is going into different phases. At the beginning there was lot of purity and as times going by it is becoming worse....

    See our parents and grandfathers were happy during their time compare to our current time where we find all most everybody is drawn in sorrow....

    Would suggest you to read very interesting article at the following link....


    Do let me know what you feel after reading this article….

    With Warm Regards,


  14. lol good question, might take a few hours to reach the us maybe a title wave or a deep freeze?

  15. the time is set in stone too dood. it's 5oclock GMT

  16. I'm not fallin' for it.......I still have all my y2k survival stuff

  17. They dont say that at the beginning of that day (12:01am) that all life will cease to exist. So it probably wont just magically affect the world and go around as the day changes. That would be quite ridiculous. If anything, on that day a major event will take place that will cause the decline of man. Like they say, Rome was not built in a day, and with an exception of a few disasters, all of humanity will not instantly die off.

  18. it will happen to the whole world at the same time.. you think a disaster will wait? and its not the end of the world.. but many ppl will die.. those who do, die because they cannot adapt to the new energy.

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