
If Democrats are angry about Republicans bad-mouthing Obama, why are they being so un-reasonable with Palin?

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Okay, I realise that the VAST majority of Democrats have treated Bristol Palin's pregnancy with the manner in which it should be - a personal matter between the family and the family alone.

However, I for one find it shocking to see the amount of hateful questions here that are aimed against the Palin family, people who are trying to do the decent thing (according to their morals)...

If Republican slander against Obama is out of order, then why are some people sinking to the lowest depths to score political points?

Isn't it time America grew up and spoke about the issues, instead of this trash?




  1. mwahahahaha


  2. Try this...for 8 years everything Democrats had to say about Bush and his views were thrown out with the garbage.  Bush and the Republican party have been unreasonable with Democrats since before the 2000 elections on all kinds of issues.  Now, you want some sympathy for Palin?  I'm assuming you want sympathy for the reaction to Katrina and the way the Republican party took its stance on g*y issues as well.  Lay off it!!  You can't expect to bad mouth everybody and make the country look stupid in the process and not expect any backlash.  Wake up!  Are we forgetting Clinton's "personal issue" that should have been handled between him and his wife not the rest of the U.S.?  Palin's not even in office and you don't think any of her dirt should be put out to the public?  Republicans aren't good at taking what they dish can this be?  The monsters you make my friend!

  3. It is indeed a personal matter, unless your mother is running for VP on a conservative ticket.

    However, the biggest issue for most is the mack-truck sized holes that keep cropping up in this story. Give it a week or two and it will either have worn itself out or caused the Republican VP candidate to step down.

  4. If we went solely on the comments of the liberals on this site.....unreasonable would be quite an understatement!!!! My best guess is they have been in a panic since McCain announced his pick on Friday. They are grabbing on to any little thing twisting in the wind to try and hold on to the belief that Obama can win. Sorry libs.....I think I hear the fat lady singing. If there are conservatives out there who have done this, they are just as dispicable as those commenting on Palin's daughter now.

    Add: I have to disagree with the first answer. I never, ever heard one person smearing the Obama girls. They are adorable!!!! Have we discussed Michelle? Yes, she has put herself out there but not the girls.

  5. Here's the issue:

    Sarah Palin put out a press release about her daughter.  She made it a public issue. No one knew Bristol Palin was pregnant. NO ONE. And it was no ones business.  Sarah Palin took it upon herself to put her daughter out there (and I feel it was politically motivated...a red herring so that no one would focus on the issues, but instead on the days of the Palins' lives...)

    I find it disingenuous that any conservative or Republican would beg off any discussions or even attacks on Palin, her character, and her family, while at the same time calling Obama a jihadist terrorist and making ugly comments about his family. Give me a freakin' break!

    Palin puts her family out there to pander to her constituents. (I was completely and utterly appalled at how she used Trig's condition to pander to parents with disabled children. I wanted to throw up!)  

  6. I don't think its appropriate. However, not many have any consideration for McCain's supporters on this issue.  Too many people have been lewd and insulting regarding the Obama family.

    Its a bit disingenuous to want family off limits NOW, when some of McCain's supporters were only too happy to make unbelievable comments about Obama's young daughters.

  7. Thankyou! I'm disgusted by all the ranting & raving about nothing. Again it just goes to show you that people with weak minds love to feel superior to others by trashing their good names. These people, I suspect, are the same people that got picked on durring recess-maybe got their lunch stolen? Now they have power of free speech & can say anything! I'm so glad that they all grew up , aren't you? And who really cares what any of us think on this q&a? Really.

  8. What you just wrote defending the Palins is exactly what people have been saying about Obama. Treat him with some respect, but no, there have been so much hateful hurtful things said about him, his family, everything. Two wrongs don't make it acceptable but really most of this turmoil was caused by McCain and his ilk.  

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