
If Democrats are "afraid" of Sarah Palin...?

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because she is the boost that the Republicans need right now, why is McCain dropping in the polls?

McCain is at 42% while Obama hit 50%.

Is this the fear we should be feeling? If so, I like it!




  1. Perhaps because that poll was taken on Aug. 31st and is the normal convention bump that everyone anticipates?  I'm looking forward to the next updated poll.

    Edit:  This is copied and pasted directly from your link.  Their polls are updated every three days:

    PRINCETON, NJ -- Gallup Poll Daily tracking from Aug. 30 through Sept. 1, finds Barack Obama leading the race for president with his highest share of support to date. Fully half of national registered voters now favor Obama for president, while 42% back John McCain.

  2. It is a long time until November. Polls are tools used to influence voters.


  3. Kerry was up by 12 points in the 2004 election.

  4. Wow, another poll...wake me up in November when the only poll that matters happens.

  5. lol...if you believe anything the polls say you need a dose of reality....but since you seem to live and breath by polls...put this in your pipe and smoke it.

    so should fear Hurricane Sarah

  6. Sarah is an irrelevant pawn in this elections. Karl Rove stated long ago - McCain has no chances. The last hope is to create a farce with Palin and hope for miracles...

  7. In the end it won't matter.  The steady mantra of reports of misconduct, improprieties, and contradictions concerning Palin which continues to rumble out of Alaska will ultimately do her in.  She is now being linked to the misdeeds of Alaska's senator, Ted Stevens.  Also, inconsistencies are being revealed concerning her alleged stance on earmarks and her behavior in trying to secure them for her own town while she was mayor of Wasilla.  Seems earmarks are only bad when others are receiving them.  Betting agencies are also reporting the odds are that Palin will be dumped as the GOP running mate.  All of this adds up to a veritable cacaphony of bad news for John McCain and Company.

  8. To Hippie...Kerry was never up by 12 pts. That's simply not true. If anything, it was 3-4 pts.

    As an Obama supporter, I want the new Tabloid Queen to stay on the ticket. I think its hysterical.

  9. I agree. I'm not afraid of Palin. Why? She's a person entitled to her views and I don't have to agree.  

  10. Typically, following a convention a party will see a bump as the one we are seeing right now.  I predict that once the Palin impact is felt and reflected in the polls, those numbers and who is ahead could change dramatically !

  11. In a Straw Poll run by AOL McCain is leading 65% to 35% over Oafbama

    You Gallup Poll lists 2772 interviews  while the AOL Poll is 105,407

    which do you believe ?

    Also the polling data from Gallup is data gathered between Aug 30 and Sept 1 which is prior to the RNC, and since the convention is still going

    McCain has not had his bump yet, Obama has.

    Stay tuned, the only poll that makes a difference is November 4th, this is where a gray haired old man kicks the tail of yet another Chicago crime master.

    Did you know that both Obama and Biden have ties to Rezeko and wasn't it Biden that said "Obama doesn't have the experience to be the President"

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