
If Democrats tried to shame all pregnant teenage girls?

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They way they are going after Gov Palin's daughter, would we have such a teen pregnancy problem in the US? Just the other week, I watched an interview on one of the cable news channels with a 17 pregnant girl and her 20 year old BF (from Boston?) and all they could do was coo and ooh over the mother to be.




  1. Pregnant teenage girls is NOT the issue here!

    Gov, Palin is running on ''family values''! If she had done her job as a parent, her teenage daughter would Not be pregnant, nor planning a marriage to ''get out of trouble''!

    I don't give a d**n about the closet of any of these candidates, but I do care about hypocrisy!



    Scandals in her state of Alaska>>.  bridges, and troopergate.

    Corruption in her governorship

    husband with DUIL

    pregnant teenager

    By the way?, as a dem lib>> this whole thiong is NOT a danger to me, OR my candidate>> Obama>> in fact it is a bonus, and can' have a negative effect at all!!

    Palin will  destroy herself, and McCain with her!!

  2. This is nothing compared to the way the republicans went after Clinton and his affair. Spending millions of the taxpayers dollars for what? Friggin hypocrite. Short memory? oh that was different huh?

    Rape trial? ha did I miss something? Now you're assuming and making things up, I expect that. That's how people like you operate. Still it's none of our business. you're a busy body.

  3. And speaking of shaming pregnant teens, how about that Sahah Palin who, due to her hunger for political power, held her daughter up for the world to ridicule and is forcing her into an unhappy marriage to make things look "okay".

  4. The majority of questions I've read are coming from cons. Now if Palin was a Democrat we'd be hearing all the questions about single, welfare, teenage moms wouldn't we?

  5. Well the only other famous teenage girl that comes to mind is Jamie Lynn Spears in which her family are Bush supporters.

    We are not going after her she put it out there for the whole world to see. Palin is putting her career first not her family so don't blame us if she didn't know what that entails. Most of us care about family values and how you run your house if you are going to become a world leader.

  6. Sorry,

    Don't mean to be butting into the usual Repub territory.

    Of course, her mother being the Repub nominee for VP and supporter of abstinence only education wouldn't have anything to do with it.

    It's just so easy.

  7. Good point.  One can only hope.

  8. You don't get it do you?  No one is trying to shame her on the left.  They feel that that stuff is a family matter, not a public one.  They are simply remarking on the hypocrisy/irony of Palin's stance on abstinence-only s*x education.

  9. Democrats aren't happy because the baby wasn't aborted.

    They want the brains sucked out. Then they will be happy!

  10. Not all.  Just trying to figure out if Sarah Palin knows where her children are, especially her 17 year old sexually active  daughter.  Of course Sarah's cooing over her new God sent grandchild is OK for a white fundamentalist, creationist possible future President of the United States of America.

  11. they should be ashamed,we have made teen motherhood ok.

    guess what?it isn't,if my 17yo daughter was pregnant by a 20yo.he would be in jail.what does it say about the parents not intervening.

  12. what's your question to begin with ??? you make a statement, not asking a question....isn't Yahoo ANSWERS supposed to be about asking a question, in order to get an ANSWER??? Leave it to a Republican to NOT understand how something is supposed to work.  

  13. the democrats..and especially the media...will stop at nothign to make sure barrack obama ends up in the white house...

  14. democrats are not going after the daughter - we're after mother, specifically her fundamentalist belief system - abstinence only - condoms and pills are sinful attitude

  15. Not all daughters of politicians can be as homely as Chelsea Clinton was while her dad was in office.  

  16. The problem in this country is that there isn't enough shame in teen preganancy. I think it's good that this girl intends to marry the boy. That's how it should be. In the old days, if he didn't, somebody else would marry her and probably pass the kid off as his own.

    The point is this- Democrats aren't putting shame on Bristol Palin. They are putting accountability on her mother, who passes herself off as this high and mighty person who preaches abstinence only education in schools, but apparently, not to her own daughter.

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