
If Diana, Princess of Wales, was still alive, what would she be doing?

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And please don't write that she'd be screaming "Get me out of this coffin!" I miss her very much.




  1. If the Princess was still with us she would be at a shelter or hospital for aids/HIV patients and lifting their spirits.

    Still showering love and compassion among the people that mean the most to her.

  2. I couldnt say for sure, but certainly she'd be doing good things for random people like she always had.

    I miss her too. :(

  3. Like many women who have died at the peak of their beauty and power, I guess she has stayed, to many people, a perfect and beautiful iconic figure. Unfortunately, if she'd still been alive, I suspect that things would have gone downhill a bit over the last ten years. She seemed to be embarking on a life of "celebrity", having multiple male partners and continuing her "love/hate" relationship with the press. She would have been 46 now  - it would be nice to think that she'd have found a good man (not Dodi, please ! he was engaged to someone else for heavens sake !) and be living a happy life. We all deserve that, I think.  RIP Diana Princess of Wales.

  4. I imagine she would still be in the papers but we would all be laughing at her heavily botoxed face (a bit like Fergies)

  5. She would have loved seeing her boy's grow up into young men of duty. She would have loved having another relationship with whom she would be loved.

    She would have done a lot of more good deeds to her people.

    Who knows she might would have beaten the **** out of the Rottweiler. LOL

  6. She'd have got bored with Dodi, had a few more short-term r'ships with upper class heirs, got bored and dated a couple of rugby players, done a bit more charity work, and then emigrated to live with the native americans and rename herself 'Seeking Attention' , 'Frequent Binge' or 'Talking Boll*cks'.

    Bet i get thumbs down for that. She died when she was still at the height of popularity- so people won't hear a word against her...if she'd lived another 15years it'd be a different story..

  7. Lying on a beach or a yacht somewhere very warm with Dodi.

  8. Still sleeping with the United Nations and courting publicity. Why change her habits of a lifetime?

  9. Worrying about her lads no doubt....and finding happiness in doing what she was good at making friends and influencing people. I mean this in the nicest possible way as she had a habit of getting monied people to donate vast sums to her good causes.

    But it was always her destiny to die young as that is the way with good people..they always seem to die young.

  10. I think she would be doing what she did before she died-trying to help the less fortuante. I think she would be very involved in helping the people in Darfur. Maybe she would have adopted a child, following in the footsteps of Angelina Jolie and Madonna.

  11. Probably shagging her way around the entire Household Cavalry.

    Dirty h**r.

  12. the england rugby team

  13. She'd still be supporting the charities that are listed on

    Hopefully,some progress would have been made with the removal of land mines.Diana was a high profile personality who brought the spotlight to any cause she supported.

    Hopefully,she would have remarried,by now,if that was what she wanted,to someone totally acceptable to everyone.And it was said that she wanted more children.

  14. Wearing a Burka and walking ten steps behind her husband.

  15. I would hope that by now she would be happy

  16. married with dodi and with her children by him.

  17. Who knows?!

    If she was still alive, she could be doing anything ...

  18. I love Pricess of wales ( Diana) too , and miss her.

    As always she was helping charities and visiting people, so

    most probably she would do the same thing.

  19. she would be causing havoc amongst the royals but would still be the peoples princess

    the two things she did best !

  20. Wondering why on earth we are still going on about it 10 years later.

  21. Loads of charity work I imagine.R.I.P Diana.

  22. Hopefully having a good time, free from the constraints of being a member of the royal family.

  23. Selling second hand Mercs?

  24. getting on with her life and partying just like a princess should , from the princess!

  25. Taking her and Dodi's kids to school and phoning will and harry to check up on them :)


  27. hiding from the press

  28. Manipulating everyone and making sure she had exactly what she wanted.

  29. Undermining the Royal family (especially her ex-husband) like she did whilst she was alive.

  30. Telling us the truth and disclosing what the royal family want cover up.

  31. I thnk she'd still be doing charity work.

    I picture her being in a more private life, moving away from the connection of being "royal" and into the private celebrity sector. But I think she'd continue her work for the lost and unfortunate, absolutely.

    God bless the Princess of Wales.

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