
If Dixie Carter & her "Powers" switched with Vince & his "Powers", how do you think the WWE/TNA would change?

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By Powers I mean like the Board Of Directors, the writers, all the higher up decision making people, not the wrestlers, announcers, or other constant on camera people(unless they were a higher up decision person, like Jim Ross).

Only guidelines I have to answering this question. Dixie/Vince can't do anything completely unbelievable to have the company be more the way they like it (HHH can't just drop his belt, because he doesn't want it anymore) & they must honor all existing contracts with their new company, as long as the outlandish doesn't happen (AJ Styles can't be turned into a jobber).

So here's the questions.

1. Who would be the champions? On all 4 shows.

2. do you think after the change the companies would be better, worse, or the same? & how so?

3. What big changes do you think would happen within each company? (Face/Heel changes? High/Low card changes? ect. ect.)

4. Any other comments you feel may be warranted.

No TNA or WWE sucks answers or the like.




  1. This is a different type of question, one I haven't seen before.  Good job.

    Using the current brand rosters:

    1.  TNA listens to the fans more than the WWE does, and tends to give them what they want.  RAW, the flagship show.  Jeff Jarrett, etc. will want a big-name representing the WWE here.  I think they would go with Batista.  Punk and Orton would be the main challengers.  World Tag Champions, definitely Rhodes and Dibiase.  Being second generation stars would definitely sit well with Jarrett and Dutch Mantell.  Intercontinental Champion would be Kofi Kingston, a unique wrestler with a lot of fans.  They'd be grooming him for bigger and better things.  Women's Champion would be Beth Phoenix.  I think Cena and JBL would not be in the World title picture very often.  Most of the fans don't want either of them holding the big belt, so I think they'd just be in various feuds, similar to what Shawn Michaels and Kane have been doing.

    Smackdown, they'd keep Triple H because he draws in the viewers.  Triple H vs Edge is gold.  They'd definitely have that feud.  Then they'd start giving the younger guys championship pushes, those who don't get many if any shots.  Guys like MVP and Jeff Hardy.  WWE Tag Champions.  Not a lot to choose from.  I think they'd probably just unify this with the World Tag Championship.  US Champion, Shelton Benjamin is a good one and they'd leave him there.  Divas Champion would be Natalya, because she's the best female wrestler on Smackdown.  

    ECW, the "developmental" brand.  They'd have Matt Hardy as Champion because he's an excellent wrestler and has a lot of experience.  The newer guys could learn a lot from Matt.    

    Impact.  The WWE "powers" would have Kurt Angle as World Champion, because he's the most well-known.  The X Division Champion would be AJ Styles because he's so popular with the fans.  The Tag Champions would be LAX as heels again.  They have a great gimmick with a lot of storyline possibilities.  Knockouts Champion would be ODB because she's so over with the fans.

    2.  I think actually both companies would benefit.  Jarrett, etc. would give the WWE fans more wrestling and they'd relax the restrictions to let the boys and girls be a lot freer in the ring to do what they want.  WWE fans would appreciate the more varied ring styles they'd get to see.  The WWE "powers" would give TNA fans, if not better, certainly more cohesive storylines to follow.

    3.  I wouldn't expect any "big" changes.  I don't imagine either "powers" would want to alienate their audiences with drastic changes.  I do think Jarrett, etc. would cut a few mid-carders, though.  Carlito, for one.  He just doesn't put any effort into his performances.  Kennedy, for another.  Too injury-prone, and blows pushes when he gets them, which is often.  The WWE "powers" would put an end to "Black Machismo" and "Stone Cold Sharkboy", and have those two go back to their old personas.  And I think they'd turn Samoa Joe into a monster heel, like when he was feuding with Christopher Daniels over the X Division title.

    4.  As long as both sides could put aside personal issues and look at this as a professional challenge, both companies could benefit from each other's different approach to presenting pro wrestling.  The WWE, under Jarrett and Mantell, etc. would offer more, and more variety, in their wrestling.  TNA, under the WWE "powers" would have better storylines and a glitzier production, while hopefully keeping the wrestling action as it already is.

  2. well i think that TNA would go worse im jus gettin so bored of the crappy story lines in WWE these days they are annoyin me so much

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