
If Donald Young was murdered to cover up his relations with Obama, would you be upset?

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If Donald Young was murdered to cover up his relations with Obama, would you be upset?




  1. If there was a shred of truth to this vague and misleading piece of used toilet paper posing as a question then yes it would be a worry.

    But at present I am worried that Aryan nation trolls such as yourself are using black avatars to post anti-Obama propaganda on the web. Aren't you afraid the black stuff will seep through the keyboard and stain your pretty pink fingers?? Is there some bizarre Klan Kleansing ritual you need to go through once you've logged off?

    Bet there is!

  2. murder looks bad on your resume, so i doubt it.

  3. Actually I would be, for more than one reason.

    1.  Murder is wrong

    2.  Covering up murder is more wrong.

    3.  We would only have one candidate, and that's not good.  Even if both are terrible, two are better than one, and one is better than none.

    4.  I could probably give a better answer if I knew who Donald Young is.  It sounds like a very common name.

    P.S.  OK.  I now know that Donald Young was a musician that performed at the same church Obama attended, where Wright was pastor, and he was actually murdered.

    I agree that this question is probably just trying to stir up trouble, but I stick with my answer.  Similar things have been done, throughout history, and in modern times, so it's not outside the realm of possibility.  It surely would be a worry.  It actually already is a worry just that the man was murdered!

  4. Latest News-

  5. No, because I know from past experiences that during an election year, the B.S. flies. I heard someone mention that Obama does terrible things to small animals and McCain supplies the prey.

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