
If Dragons were never real how come they're very common in British, Indian and Chinese stories?

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Also is it possible that carbon dating methods are flawed and dinosaur bones are actually a lot more recent?




  1. Coincidence? I really don't think it's that hard to come up with a flying lizard. And if it were real, don't you think that they would all look the same? A chinese dragon is completely different from a british one.

    As far as carbon dating, anything is possible. However, there are more factors that come into play...ancient artifacts, cave paintings, the climate at different periods of time (which can be tracked through geology). So I doubt that carbon dating is that far off.

  2. Dragons existed, especially in the KJV bible:

  3. Y Ddraig Coch is real in my Cymro heart!

  4. Nobody knows if deagons were real, but there's no evidence saying they were.

    Carbon dating dinosaur bones could well be inaccurate, but the age is supported by the rock layers thery are found in (depth, type, erosion etc.), so they're probably roughly that old.

  5. one word:


  6. Dinosaur bones were believed to be dragon skeletons.

  7. And also in Mexico.

    There is a very dragon like god in both Mayan and Aztec mythologies. Like a snake with feathers.

    Quetzalcoatl and Kukulcan.

  8. The reason why dragons play such a major role in British (properly Brythonic) folklore is glaringly obvious if you understand the history of the transition between late Roman and Anglo-Saxon rule in these islands.

    People who don't know much are easier to fool.

  9. Its goes with the the spread of culture when trading goods.  The Chinese thought of them as spirits then it went to Egypt by trade and they made a dragon as a god.  It went to Greece were they came up in the stories of Hercules and the Hydra then it went to Italy and Britain where they thought it was the devil and then it went to the Viking who used it on there boats to scare villages they attacked. When they made settlements in Canada they left the mark dragons there.  Though it was India, Britain and China who believed in them the most and had the best stories and that's how they were most common.

    Its sorta possible that carbon dating not really accurate as they see how much carbon it has then guess how old it is by how much comes out and maybe the dinosaurs where the dragons since no one could prove they didn't breathe fire.

  10. The Komodo Dragon is perfectly real!

  11. Yes

  12. Dragons are in almost every culture in the world, besides what you have mentioned, and also in the Bible.  History Channel has had shows where the say it's quite possible if notprobable that man could very well have existed when certain dinosaurs roamed the earth and that yes, carbon dating methods could be flawed.

  13. Would you be refering to "Y Ddraig Goch"?

  14. they don't want to have people hunting the last few.their endanger species now .don't you know?

  15. becaus thats what they beiliev in we beileve in stuff 2

  16. The current theory is that early people would find fossilized dinosaur bones and realize they were from a really large animal. Since they had no understanding that the bones were millions of years old they assumed that the really large animal existed and thus they created the legend of the dragon.

  17. Dragon is a part of *virtually* every culture. When the (very) early humans got here, there were still remenants of a certain living species of pterodactyl. My belief is that when they saw glimpses of this huge, flying reptile, it was so magnificent that they had to attribute magical powers with this beast. I think that the dragon story had evolved from that.

  18. "Dragon" was an english word denoting any large, mythical reptile.

    The dragons of Europe, the americas, and China all look and act vastly different from each other. It's like trying to say that the koala bear is an actual bear because it's called one. It doesn't work.

  19. I think so (2nd question), I also think that dragons could have been real because otherwise how could dragons be in so many different cultures and stories and big parts of society (look at the chinese) if they were not real at some time. They could easily have been the dinosaurs.

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