
If Einstein created the string theory..and the string theory allows for parallel universes...?

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...would Einstein have given the first case for ghosts living in another plane of existence with periods of intersecting times where they can appear to us like a thin veil?




  1. No way! Einstein was a mathematican turned physicist, but not any kind of specialist in the super-natural.

  2. Maybe it is something that Stephen Hawkins will have to work on.

  3. First, I have included the official web site on string theory (link below).

    Second, the book "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene (he is a string physicist) is an excellent introduction to string theory for the non scientist.

    Einstein did not create string theory and in fact it was attempting to explain some flaws or wholes in his explanations of the universe that led to string theory.

    No one person (as that three particle physicist noticed the same problem at the same time and then quickly there were five different theories of strings (now combined in super string or M-theory by yet another person) created string theory.

    To address your question probably not. Einstein couldn't even accept the findings of his own work that particles were entangled (a basic of quantum mechanics) because it was not explainable in traditional terms of physics.

    Also, the dimensions (at least 11 have to exist for super string theory to be true) that are theorized are all on the sub atomic (no instrument known to man can measure anything as small as they are said to be) level.

    So, in theory when you wave your hand every time you are passing through 11 dimensions but you don't notice it because of the tiny effect.

    So, other dimensions are not like parallel worlds where everything exist on the same level but just out of phase with us.

    If you are confused you have started to grasp super string theory if you think you understand or can comprehend it almost every physicist working in the field will tell you that is a sure sign that you don't get it.

    Edit: but keeping thinking and asking questions. I always find your questions stimulating and they lead to further questions that could be researched.


  4. hey deenie, you have been doing some very good homework. nice to see your reading. Einstein did work in Quantum Physics, from which the String Theory is derived from. Just because he may not have believed in the supernatural (which none of us can say he did or did not) does not mean these theories cannot help explain some paranormal phenom. String Theory and the Wave Effects could be a way for different times to overlap and that could explain the Ghosts as well as other paranormal activity. For those negative people, don't be so fast to say never, no way. History has a way of proving the nay sayers wrong all the time. The possibility right now is, "no,"but the door is always left open for a new theory along with new concepts that completes the old ones or out dates the old ones. Give her a break guys.

  5. <<If Einstein created the string theory..>>

    As that opening premise is completely untrue, I don't think I'll bother with the rest of the question.  Oh, go on then.

    <<...would Einstein have given the first case for ghosts living in another plane of existence with periods of intersecting times where they can appear to us like a thin veil?>>

    As he left no evidence indicating he'd done anything of the sort, the answer would be no.

  6. In regards to some of the answers you got,  I don't know why the fact that Einstein was a scientist means that he wasn't religious or spiritual in anyway.  In fact, much I have read about him and comments made by him regarding science seems to show otherwise.

    however, in the link below, he does not seem to believe in the existence of a soul existing by itself, as he put it "...the concept of a soul without a body seems to me to be empty and devoid of meaning"  so perhaps he would dispute that ghosts exist in the form of other dimensions.

    personally I don't agree with this thinking and relate more to CS Lewis who said "You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body."

  7. Maybe,but I don't see how parallel universes could be actually

    connected to our own,in the sense that we could interact with

    or see beings from such a universe. It would be parallel to our

    own universe,but at the same time entirely separate from it.

    More likely ghosts would be in the world,but as energy beings most of us wouldn't be able to see,hear or communicate with them-assuming they were real,of course.

    That's another topic for debate.

  8. Thumbs up for you deenie...even though i cannt give you one with a question..(lol)

  9. The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious…He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed (Albert Einstein]

    I believe Einstien's quote extends to world of the 6th sense, spiritual energy dimension.

  10. Youre clever .... maybe do some reserch serch out extrodinary people like you to you know figure it out who knows you might find time travel !

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