
If Electricity comes form Electrons, where does Morality come from?

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If Electricity comes form Electrons, where does Morality come from?




  1. Well, not that morality has anything to do with electricity or electrons, but philisophically speaking, God.

  2. It sure seems that way sometimes.

  3. Religious Philosophers believe it or not!

  4. thanks! i needed a good laugh!

    do you guys shop at the same store?

  5. Religion

  6. Monkeys. Not a joke! Except it should be apes. About everything that we consider as moral has been observed in apes.

  7. lol

  8. I can't tell if your questions are serious or if you're just that darn funny!

  9. Moralicity comes from Moralitrons, but I do not know where Morality comes from. Great question once again OMG.

    I guess it comes from the heart. smile.

  10. Good one ... surely not morons

  11. I can't take the bait but I like your line of thinking.

    Philosophers have argued that it follows natural laws (i.e. the categorical imperative)

  12. While religions are often given credit for morality this is definitely not the only view. Kant argued that religions actually start from a moral code (link below).

    Also, Ayn Rand makes some decent arguments for morality not requiring religion (link below).

    Thus, I would conclude that morals spring from philosophy (humankind's examination of itself and condition) whether or not the philosophy included religious aspects.

    Oh and concerning your word play Morality comes from Mores: "They consist of shared understandings about the kinds of behavior likely to evoke approval, disapproval, toleration or sanction, within particular contexts."

    (link below)

  13. Your innate ability to philosophise....Thank the Divine for the consciousness which they have given you....

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