
If England has no empire left, why is it's currency still strong and why do all the common wealth countries.?

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Still compete in the common wealth games.?




  1. You don't need a big empire when you've got business links around the world and the largest financial market in the world is in your capital city.

    But one little thing to mention, and it's not your fault for getting it wrong as Brits on here constantly reinforce it.

    England is not the same as Great Britain or the United Kingdom. It is a constituent part of both.

    Now, I'm Scottish, and I don't particularly like being called British, but if I've got to put up with it I'm d**n sure I'm not going to be quiet when English people refer to the whole country as England.

    England never had an empire. Britain had an empire.

  2. The common wealth countries compete because it's just another sporting event that they want to see who is better in. I'm sure they make lots of money from hosting the games anyway.

    As for the Empire question, Britian still trades will a lot of different countries so it doesn't need a big empire.  

  3. Just because it's not an empire does not mean it's not powerful. England is historically strong for the same reason the US is, hard work and basic honesty on the part of its people. If they go, then we are finished too.

  4. actually there is a good link between the uk and commonwealth through trade etc.  hence the reason zimbabwe was kicked out, that actually did cost them.

    london if it was a country would be the 9th wealthiest so i was told once and this is why, the people of the uk have no security in jobs etc,  we have to have this so the uk is competitive and all that balls.

    the uk is not strong, london is and the other 50 million people in the country pay so that they can be.  why do you think labour give the city so much lip service.

    and we are paying how much lottery money for 2012.  you are having a laugh

  5. Because they don't have an American Federal Bank which aims on controlling the people  through the supply of money

  6. It's not called GREAT Britain for nothing.  People still have strong ties to the colonial days of the British Empire and many countries like Canada and Australia still have the Queen as their sovereign head of state. History is a powerful thing.  

  7. A stong currency is due to trust in the value of the currency backed up by ability, resources and reputation.

    The UK has all of that.

    The Empire is just a bit of history, the world changes every 100 years or so. The Soviet Union looked like a big empire not so long ago. look at what is happening there now !  Who would trust their currency.

  8. Um...I think it's called the Commonwealth Games for a's for the countries in the Commonwealth. Hence, why they play in them.

  9. UK is still a powerful trading nation and extremely strong in financial services The London Stock Market for instance is still bigger than NYSE .The jolly old Pound Sterling is still a major international trading currency.This is why it remains not just a hard currency but one of the 3 premier world (reserve) currencies with the US$ and the Euro.I have no view on the Commonwealth Games.

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