
If Europe merges with the Muslim world,does it mean that alcohol will be outright banned from Europe?

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What are other advantages to come out of this union?




  1. a lot of Muslim countries that doesnt banned alcohol from being sold, except that Muslim themselves is prohibited from buying it.

    Such as in Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei.

  2. It won't happen, that's wishful thinking of the extremist speaking.

  3. It won't happen, its not an advantage to do anything with muslims and no alcohol wouldn't be banned that's just stupid.

  4. Take alcohol away from the Irish?  Not gonna happen buddy.

  5. Impossible, it won't happen.

  6. The Irish and Germans wouldn't tolerate that.Past experiences have recommended not going against the Germans..

  7. _IF_ pragmatic European statesmen prevail, countries with intensive trade links with Europe, like Algeria, Tunis, Morocco and Turkey will become member states of the EU. But with the usual political, legal, human rights and economic conditions. And separation between religion and state will always a part of it, whatever some christian conservatives might wish. Be it alcohol or abortion, in a real democracy the state stays out of what consenting adults do in their living room or bedroom.

  8. I doubt a complete merge could ever happen.

    Advantages can come out of any union but only if both sides are prepared to accept each other's differences and learn from each other.

  9. I'm Irish and think it would be the best thing to happen to Europe.

  10. Who will the Muslims sell there kebabs too?? And what about the taxi's??

    I think Muslims benfit indirectly from the sale of alchol. After all someone has to feed the drunks and take them home

    And then guess whats next. Women won't be able to walk outside without a veil?

  11. nah it wont happen, a lot of muslim countries still have alcohol!

  12. Where are you coming from?

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